"If a rose by any other name could smell as sweet"
Again as I titled one of my first posts, What's in a name? I feel the need to explain my name.
At first I imagined my derby name to be fierce and bold and vicious... in the three months I have been involved in derby, my choice of derby name has evolved into something I believe will be 'ep mlalic'... seriously! Haha. Truth be known, I am 100% certain (after a ridiculous amount of contemplation) that the name I registered is absolutely, without any doubt, the right name for me. The funny thing is the reactions I've got from telling people what my name is. They are all completely different. . .
First of all, thank you Malady for approving the name with enthusiasm. I got plenty of mixed feedback when I introduced myself as Serious Lee, sometimes just Serious. The first time I met Buster, he has the most perplexed look on his face when I introduced myself as Serious Lee. I also actually had people ask.... "Seriously?", and I love it. I have also had a tremendous amount of support and reassurance that I'm not completely off my rocker, one being Malady, and other skaters/friends/family, who I respect. They love it too! Support goes a LONG way. Thank you!! I've found my name is also a conversation piece... tonight after the scrimmage for instance, as soon as I brought up the "Buster incident", everyone joined in and started talking about my name. Turns out people get confused and think the ref's are saying "seriously".... Oops, but how I love that it makes me interesting!
It also suits me better than anything else I could ever imagine. It shows almost every facet of my personality if you look hard enough. The obvious is that I'm serious, which I talked about in my last post, but there are several underlying connections. It shows my creative side... I could have been Terrible Trina, that would have been acceptable, but I chose to be a little more creative. It also shows my intelligent side... I put a lot of thought into the whole process, and I believe it shows. It also shows my Witty side... which I have to admit is a bit scarce, yet it's there, and when I use it, it seems to work. And for the people that really know me, it shows my passionate side.... Yes I'm serious, but when I'm serious, I'm serious... not just serious, but SERIOUS. I am scared to admit that I love roller derby more than other things I should love more, I think you get the picture.
I can say one thing... I am still, after 3 months of owning it, I'm still loving the name Serious Lee. I truly believe I always will. No matter how many "Buster's" I come across!
Follow me as I explore the world of Roller Derby! I'm brand new at it and am learning something new every day.
About Me

- Serious Lee
- Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
- I am a mother of three great kids. I am naturally passionate, artistic, athletic, and articulate. Every experience in my life has led to me being the person I am... which I am usually very proud of.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Roller Skates Are Comlplicated! I Wasn't Prepared!!
The first three or four freshmeat practices I was forced to use the gear and skates that RDRDA provided. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the access to the used gear, but honestly speaking... the skates really fucking sucked! If I had bigger feet, I could have used better skates, but being a size 4 skate, my options were limited. I ended up using the skates that were made around 1982! asically the problem was that the wheels were horrible. Here's a picture.
I am still wondering how I learned to skate in these!
Buying my first set of skates was really exciting! i knew they were the cheapest modern skates that I could get brand new, but I didn't realise that eventually I'd have to replace every part but the boot... at quite the cost too. When Teri Fying told me I should buy expensive skates right away, well... I should have listened. Here are my very first roller skates.
As I was planning and asking around Teri Fying gave me some great gear advice. She suggested I upgrade my cushions! Cushions (pictured below they are the blue plasticy pieces in the trucks) do just that! They cushion the shock and allow a slight or not-so-slight movement. Now my wheels have shock absorbency and they steer themselves!
Now, here is the whole operation.... as you can see there are a lot of pieces to keep track of... Although it took me 3 hours or so to do everything involved, I managed.
1. Remove old wheels
2. Remove bearings from wheels
3. Remove trucks
4. Remove cushions
5. Clean all parts (bearings, trucks, and rest of skate)
6. Oil bearings
7. Put bearings in wheels
8. Attach new cushions and trucks
9. Attach new wheels
10. Adjust wheels
11. Adjust cushions
12. Try them out!
It was quite an ordeal, only because it was my first time. I'd never even seen it done before! Just winged it. A how-to video might have been helpful. I must say, looking at the finished product.... I did a good job. It'll be faster and easier next time I have to replace parts.
The first time I tried them out on the track, I felt like I was wobbling all over the place... I had NO control over if I veered this way or that way. Scourge Her helped me get the wheel and cushion tightness just right (I think), after a little (lot) of trial and error. Either way, it just keeps getting better every time.
25 Things About Derby
Thank you Ali for the idea to re post this!
25 Things roller Derby has Taught Me!! Thank you to those tagged for being an inspiration :)
Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals that roller derby has added to your life. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about what derby means to you.(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
25. Sometimes I forget what I'm wearing after practise and go to the store anyway
24. I like bootie shorts.. no, I love them!
23. I've been in roller derby for about 3 months and I'm still learning the rules!
22. I'm getting used to 80's music again... and stating to like it!
21. Panties = the helmet covers that the pivots and jammers wear
20. I started hip checking my friends... and I didn't even realise I did it!
19. I can blog about derby, then my friends and family aren't annoyed
18. My body doesn't bruise as easy as I thought it was going to.. bonus!
17. I'm not as fast as I thought I was either, but I'm working on it
16. Drills are actually really fun most of the time
15. I really look forward to any day that I get to skate! And waiting is really hard
14. I love making tank tops and tees with my derby name on it! my new craft I think.
13. I'm a good skater, but not so good at the game... I need to get on the team so I can learn and get better!
12. I looked like a tool in the first pics i saw of myself in a game. I laughed... hard!
11. I think I prefer my derby name and would like everyone to just call me "Serious" from now on. Haha
10. There is no such thing as too much exercise
9. I've learned how to take my skates apart and replace all the parts by myself... now to figure out what gear is best!
8. I've learned to drink lots of WATER!!
7. My first rookie bout was amazing and I will never forget it!
6. I am training to try out to play for Team Canada one day like Taz and Gertie
5. I found out who out of my friends and family truly love me and are there for me
4. I feel like i am part of a family when i go to derby and everyone has their role
3. I continue to meet quality people, who like to have fun through derby, who most of will be lifelong friends, I hope
2. Roller derby has already changed my whole life
1. I am allowed to be myself.
25. Sometimes I forget what I'm wearing after practise and go to the store anyway
24. I like bootie shorts.. no, I love them!
23. I've been in roller derby for about 3 months and I'm still learning the rules!
22. I'm getting used to 80's music again... and stating to like it!
21. Panties = the helmet covers that the pivots and jammers wear
20. I started hip checking my friends... and I didn't even realise I did it!
19. I can blog about derby, then my friends and family aren't annoyed
18. My body doesn't bruise as easy as I thought it was going to.. bonus!
17. I'm not as fast as I thought I was either, but I'm working on it
16. Drills are actually really fun most of the time
15. I really look forward to any day that I get to skate! And waiting is really hard
14. I love making tank tops and tees with my derby name on it! my new craft I think.
13. I'm a good skater, but not so good at the game... I need to get on the team so I can learn and get better!
12. I looked like a tool in the first pics i saw of myself in a game. I laughed... hard!
11. I think I prefer my derby name and would like everyone to just call me "Serious" from now on. Haha
10. There is no such thing as too much exercise
9. I've learned how to take my skates apart and replace all the parts by myself... now to figure out what gear is best!
8. I've learned to drink lots of WATER!!
7. My first rookie bout was amazing and I will never forget it!
6. I am training to try out to play for Team Canada one day like Taz and Gertie
5. I found out who out of my friends and family truly love me and are there for me
4. I feel like i am part of a family when i go to derby and everyone has their role
3. I continue to meet quality people, who like to have fun through derby, who most of will be lifelong friends, I hope
2. Roller derby has already changed my whole life
1. I am allowed to be myself.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
My Posts Seem To Be Missing Something... All Fixed!
I've noticed that hardly any of my posts have anything other than words... I figure that that's no fun! I'm gonna try my best to start adding pics and other media to my posts so it's not so BORING!! I personally like reading posts that have a little added pizazz, weather it be pictures, diagrams, or even a link to a website. That would be much more exciting than just words. I'll start here, now.
This is a link to the promo for the Skate and Destroy boot camp that was held here in Red Deer.
This is the link to the co-ed bout at the same bootcamp.
There are 5 parts to this game. They should be available on the right hand side of the website under 'Related Media'.
The boot camp also made The Red Deer Advocate (Local newspaper).
Here are some picks of me in my first rookie bout looking pretty fucking useless!! I'll have to fix that for my next game. All pictures are courtesy of two amazing photographers, Anthony Canada and Richard Lowes. Thank you both for catching me looking like a tool! I promise not to next time.
At least I'm doing something productive in one of the pictures!! Hahahahaha... I'm sure I'm not the only person reading that thinks these pictures are hilarious. Funny thing is... it was my first game, so I'm very proud of them anyway!
OK. Did my part for media about the boot camp. There will definitely be more posts with media and links in the future to make reading my bog more exciting. I hope you all enjoy it even without all the bling though. I kind of think that a blog should just be words because of its purpose, but I'm willing to change with the times!! Cheers readers. Hope you like the changes.
This is a link to the promo for the Skate and Destroy boot camp that was held here in Red Deer.
This is the link to the co-ed bout at the same bootcamp.
There are 5 parts to this game. They should be available on the right hand side of the website under 'Related Media'.
The boot camp also made The Red Deer Advocate (Local newspaper).
Here are some picks of me in my first rookie bout looking pretty fucking useless!! I'll have to fix that for my next game. All pictures are courtesy of two amazing photographers, Anthony Canada and Richard Lowes. Thank you both for catching me looking like a tool! I promise not to next time.
At least I'm doing something productive in one of the pictures!! Hahahahaha... I'm sure I'm not the only person reading that thinks these pictures are hilarious. Funny thing is... it was my first game, so I'm very proud of them anyway!
OK. Did my part for media about the boot camp. There will definitely be more posts with media and links in the future to make reading my bog more exciting. I hope you all enjoy it even without all the bling though. I kind of think that a blog should just be words because of its purpose, but I'm willing to change with the times!! Cheers readers. Hope you like the changes.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
My Plan Is Working!
I'm not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I am training to be an Olympian. This is the first year they are accepting Roller Derby into the Olympic Games! Not only have I discovered that I love roller derby as a hobby, but I also have an attainable, respectable long term goal. it just makes me more determined to get as good as I know I can get at this! If I want to, I know without a doubt that I can make the Olympic team like Taz and Gertie from RDRDA did! I'm so proud to say that two amazing Jammers from Red Deer, Alberta are going to be on Team Canada for roller derby! So exciting. if I had more money i would go to Ontario and watch!!
I've been training since the middle of August, 2011. So, I've been to 8 practices and a free skate, and I'm ready to benchmark now. After the 5 or 6 hours of boot camp on Saturday I will hopefully also be ready for my first game. I think that I accomplished the first goal quickly, so I'm feeling very optimistic about my future in roller derby... VERY optimistic. I'm really not trying to brag or be 'holier than thou', I just know I'm a natural and my passion for it is simply overwhelming.
This is the beginning of a lifelong journey for me. I'm a little disappointed that it had to start when i was 33 (Oh how I long to be Scourge Her, Because she's going to be an icon once she is on the adult team if she keeps going at it the way she's going at it). the main thing is that I'm doing it, REALLY doing it!
I'm slowly making lifestyle changes that will support my new-found love for extreme athletics. I have to quit smoking (YUCK! - It's #1 on my priority list), drink less, stretch EVERY DAY, drink more water, eat more, and exercises at least three times a week for 2 hours (weather I have Derby or not). It's going to be a slow process because I'm not used to taking care of myself, but luckily I'm equipped with knowledge about my body from my pain group, a great "derby girl" support system (they are all there to help), 3 supportive kids who love the fact that I roller derby and it makes me happy, and friend that support what I am trying to accomplish.
The people responsible for my entrance into derby are Sean and Mortu. Sean introduced me to Mortu, and Mortu SET ME UP!!! She really set me up. My actual life, as Trina Grenier, isn't really rainbows and unicorns right now, so I am very grateful that I have an alternate life, as Serious Lee, that keeps me wanting to live my life as Trina Grenier. I'm in your debt forever!
I've been training since the middle of August, 2011. So, I've been to 8 practices and a free skate, and I'm ready to benchmark now. After the 5 or 6 hours of boot camp on Saturday I will hopefully also be ready for my first game. I think that I accomplished the first goal quickly, so I'm feeling very optimistic about my future in roller derby... VERY optimistic. I'm really not trying to brag or be 'holier than thou', I just know I'm a natural and my passion for it is simply overwhelming.
This is the beginning of a lifelong journey for me. I'm a little disappointed that it had to start when i was 33 (Oh how I long to be Scourge Her, Because she's going to be an icon once she is on the adult team if she keeps going at it the way she's going at it). the main thing is that I'm doing it, REALLY doing it!
I'm slowly making lifestyle changes that will support my new-found love for extreme athletics. I have to quit smoking (YUCK! - It's #1 on my priority list), drink less, stretch EVERY DAY, drink more water, eat more, and exercises at least three times a week for 2 hours (weather I have Derby or not). It's going to be a slow process because I'm not used to taking care of myself, but luckily I'm equipped with knowledge about my body from my pain group, a great "derby girl" support system (they are all there to help), 3 supportive kids who love the fact that I roller derby and it makes me happy, and friend that support what I am trying to accomplish.
The people responsible for my entrance into derby are Sean and Mortu. Sean introduced me to Mortu, and Mortu SET ME UP!!! She really set me up. My actual life, as Trina Grenier, isn't really rainbows and unicorns right now, so I am very grateful that I have an alternate life, as Serious Lee, that keeps me wanting to live my life as Trina Grenier. I'm in your debt forever!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Freshmeat Farewell
Information night was a complete success. Thank you to everyone involved for putting it together. great job, AS ALWAYS! There were 20 ladies signed up for regular freshmeat classes by the end of the night. Roller derby is BOOMING! It's so exciting! Now, if we could get the spectator interest in line (that's another post altogether), the rest would fall into place. Pretty soon roller derby is going to be as mainstream as hockey.
For any of you following my blog, you may have read about my battle with choosing derby clothing. Well... I think you will all get a good laugh knowing that I was the one wearing the bootie shorts tonight... and I loved every second of it! I'm starting to feel pretty comfortable in my 'fancy' derby wear. The choice of clothing for a free skate ranged from jeans, to shorts, to yoga pants, to tights and skirts, to bootie shorts. I felt good knowing I contributed a little to showing the freshies what happens to you in a few months if you want it bad enough. Yes, the outfit has a lot to do with the transformation.
I really want to say thank you to Unchained Malady for helping sort through everything derby! I love you lots! Next I gotta get me a derby wife! Goodbye Freshmeat.. Hello Nightshades!
For any of you following my blog, you may have read about my battle with choosing derby clothing. Well... I think you will all get a good laugh knowing that I was the one wearing the bootie shorts tonight... and I loved every second of it! I'm starting to feel pretty comfortable in my 'fancy' derby wear. The choice of clothing for a free skate ranged from jeans, to shorts, to yoga pants, to tights and skirts, to bootie shorts. I felt good knowing I contributed a little to showing the freshies what happens to you in a few months if you want it bad enough. Yes, the outfit has a lot to do with the transformation.
I really want to say thank you to Unchained Malady for helping sort through everything derby! I love you lots! Next I gotta get me a derby wife! Goodbye Freshmeat.. Hello Nightshades!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Skate And Destroy Indeed!
I passed my benchmarks!! I still have to write the test... but I know I can do it. At first I was nervous when the time came to display my skills, while someone was watching my every move, but after I got going I just focused and the nerves went away. I messed up a few times, but all in all I felt really good about what I was accomplishing when it counted. I also made 26 and a half laps! I only needed 25, so I was really proud of myself. I had a killer cramp in my left hip for the last half of my laps, but I pushed through it and did what I set out to do. Yay me!
Passing my benchmarks allowed me to play in my first rookie bout ever! I thought I was nervous for benchmarking.... not even close to how nervous I was for my first game... especially my first jam. I was still a bit unsure of all the rules. I had a hard time remembering everything I had learned and read when I was out there in the middle of the action. The skating part was no problem... the game play was the tough part. Knowing about strategy and the rules is really important in this game. I'm sorry team, all the information I had flew out of my head when the whistle blew. I got 4 penalties! I'm not even sure what some of them were for. The first one was a false start and the last one was for cutting the track. I'll do better next time.
Luckily, the other jammers on my team were exceptional for rookies. We also had some really great blockers to boss us around. And the coaches, Razor and Hollywood, were fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better coaches. Props ladies!! So, my team won our game. Anybody remember what the score was?
I learned a lot about myself during that game. I learned that I may not be the awesome jammer I thought I was going to be. I'm not saying i can't be a jammer, I'm definitely going to keep working on it, but in the meantime, I think I'll make a fine blocker. I even landed a few solid hits while blocking. Yes, I really did. i also received a few solid hits as a jammer. I also seem to be pretty good at being aware of whats going on all around me. I surprised myself a little with that. it's funny how sometimes you misjudge yourself.
Yes, it hurt, and yes, I have bruises. Other than the pain when I lay on my left hip from my huge bruise and the fact that my my thighs hurt like you wouldn't believe... I feel great! I wouldn't change any of it!
I have to throw a big shout out to the team from RDRDA and other helpers who made Operation Skate And Destroy a major success! You guys were all great. I just tried to list all the people who I know made this boot camp so awesome, but there is no way I can. Almost everyone involved with RDRDA helped out in one way or another. I'm so proud to say that I belong to such an awesome team!
Skate And Destroy Boot camp - Oct 22 and 23, 2011. My first bout!
Passing my benchmarks allowed me to play in my first rookie bout ever! I thought I was nervous for benchmarking.... not even close to how nervous I was for my first game... especially my first jam. I was still a bit unsure of all the rules. I had a hard time remembering everything I had learned and read when I was out there in the middle of the action. The skating part was no problem... the game play was the tough part. Knowing about strategy and the rules is really important in this game. I'm sorry team, all the information I had flew out of my head when the whistle blew. I got 4 penalties! I'm not even sure what some of them were for. The first one was a false start and the last one was for cutting the track. I'll do better next time.
Luckily, the other jammers on my team were exceptional for rookies. We also had some really great blockers to boss us around. And the coaches, Razor and Hollywood, were fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better coaches. Props ladies!! So, my team won our game. Anybody remember what the score was?
I learned a lot about myself during that game. I learned that I may not be the awesome jammer I thought I was going to be. I'm not saying i can't be a jammer, I'm definitely going to keep working on it, but in the meantime, I think I'll make a fine blocker. I even landed a few solid hits while blocking. Yes, I really did. i also received a few solid hits as a jammer. I also seem to be pretty good at being aware of whats going on all around me. I surprised myself a little with that. it's funny how sometimes you misjudge yourself.
Yes, it hurt, and yes, I have bruises. Other than the pain when I lay on my left hip from my huge bruise and the fact that my my thighs hurt like you wouldn't believe... I feel great! I wouldn't change any of it!
I have to throw a big shout out to the team from RDRDA and other helpers who made Operation Skate And Destroy a major success! You guys were all great. I just tried to list all the people who I know made this boot camp so awesome, but there is no way I can. Almost everyone involved with RDRDA helped out in one way or another. I'm so proud to say that I belong to such an awesome team!
Skate And Destroy Boot camp - Oct 22 and 23, 2011. My first bout!
Friday, 21 October 2011
I Almost Went Crazy Until I Focused! After All, I Am Serious!
I have learned that penalty and penalty enforcement has a lot of confusing stipulations...I'm not hopeless about understanding, It's just taking a lot more effort than I have time for...
Blogging is a lot easier than studying at work... I really do still do my job (really well too). The more I read the more I remember and understand, but, WOWEE!!! I'm very overwhelmed right now about this test in two days... Two days that I am either working or dedicating to skating, or helping set up, or taking care of my children... Luckily I have wonderful people in my life who are able and willing to babysit (kinda) my kids for free. I owe them a lot when I get my shit together!!
I asked myself when will I have time for this? . . . Well, i can study a bit at work, but it's hard for me to really soak in the information with so many distractions. I can study between work and derby for the next two days. I can study after derby if I'm not too tired. I can study while I have downtime at the boot camp on Saturday. I can also study Sunday morning right before the test. . . . Is that going to be enough time to learn what I need to learn to pass the test (80% is a passing mark, and 43 pages to read all together) Last night I decided that instead of trying to keep studying longer tonight, I'd get up a little earlier than usual and get an hour or so of studying in before work.
So, back to memorizing the difference between major, minor, etc and what all the penalties are. Skimming through the pages of important information, I panicked... almost lost my senses, but i didn't. Instead I focused....as I was monotonously reading, I began to make a little more sense out of every sentence I read. I think that was the only thing keeping me motivated to stay focused. Luckily it's not as much memorization as it seemed to be. A lot of it is just common sense. If you get the point of the rules being in place, it's not hard to rationalize to get the right answer. There are only a few sections of penalties that i have to re read because they don't make enough sense.
I feel pretty confident, for now, that it was a good idea. i feel like I actually learned a lot. Now I feel able to manage the task at hand, without any doubt. I'm holding myself to those words too. I don't think I've ever wanted something so bad that just good enough is not an option. I'm gonna kick the shit out of everything I am asked to do. I'm pretty sure that if i just keep reading and re reading everything I don't understand... I will do great! Yes, not just good, or I will pass, I will do great!
Blogging is a lot easier than studying at work... I really do still do my job (really well too). The more I read the more I remember and understand, but, WOWEE!!! I'm very overwhelmed right now about this test in two days... Two days that I am either working or dedicating to skating, or helping set up, or taking care of my children... Luckily I have wonderful people in my life who are able and willing to babysit (kinda) my kids for free. I owe them a lot when I get my shit together!!
I asked myself when will I have time for this? . . . Well, i can study a bit at work, but it's hard for me to really soak in the information with so many distractions. I can study between work and derby for the next two days. I can study after derby if I'm not too tired. I can study while I have downtime at the boot camp on Saturday. I can also study Sunday morning right before the test. . . . Is that going to be enough time to learn what I need to learn to pass the test (80% is a passing mark, and 43 pages to read all together) Last night I decided that instead of trying to keep studying longer tonight, I'd get up a little earlier than usual and get an hour or so of studying in before work.
So, back to memorizing the difference between major, minor, etc and what all the penalties are. Skimming through the pages of important information, I panicked... almost lost my senses, but i didn't. Instead I focused....as I was monotonously reading, I began to make a little more sense out of every sentence I read. I think that was the only thing keeping me motivated to stay focused. Luckily it's not as much memorization as it seemed to be. A lot of it is just common sense. If you get the point of the rules being in place, it's not hard to rationalize to get the right answer. There are only a few sections of penalties that i have to re read because they don't make enough sense.
I feel pretty confident, for now, that it was a good idea. i feel like I actually learned a lot. Now I feel able to manage the task at hand, without any doubt. I'm holding myself to those words too. I don't think I've ever wanted something so bad that just good enough is not an option. I'm gonna kick the shit out of everything I am asked to do. I'm pretty sure that if i just keep reading and re reading everything I don't understand... I will do great! Yes, not just good, or I will pass, I will do great!
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Props To Freshmeat!
Well, what can I say? Between the awesome coaches and all the determined brand new roller skaters, I'm flabbergasted, to say the least, at the quality of both! Let me say first, roller skating is really hard! There are definitely people that are natural skaters, and people that have to work really hard to do what they do, just like any other sport or talent. Now, having said that, natural skaters work just as hard, but can often advance faster than someone who feels awkward on their skates. personally, I feel like I'm a natural skater... I can tell if someone is natural or not (I think because I was a dancer and it's kind of the same way), It's all in the confidence. It takes a lot longer to build if you have to work harder to be at the same level as the natural skaters. I LOVE that skaters that have to work really hard to do what they do keep doing it! I LOVE that those people prove that if you want something bad enough, you can do it, even if you aren't the best starting off.
I've been meaning to do this for a while. I want to give props to all the freshmeat skaters I've skated with. Every single one of them that regularly come to practice are determined, dedicated, and focused on getting better, and in the coaches case, creating ready, fit, and dedicated skaters. Just to list few (Sorry if I miss anyone) Ali, Andy Anarchy (Amanda), Scourge Her (Trina), Teri Fying, Arlene, Rags, Torture Chamber (Lisa), Angela, Kaustic, Linzifer, Fiver, Unchained Malady, Lacee Longstalkin, Twisted, Fatal, Nomad, Cakes, Pappa Razzo, Ginger, The Jester, Lexisonfire, Lady Laceration, Vitamin B, and Taz. I also want to mention the girls I've only skated with a few times (I hope they come back), Michelle, Donna, Christina, and Wody (Mama).
I have nothing but good things to say about every single one of the people listed above. hopefully it stays that way as I spend more time with them. I've had an excellent experience in Freshmeat. Excellent coaches, excellent skate mates, excellent exercise, excellent learning experience, and an excellent growing experience.
I'm getting closer to joining team practices, although, if I can ever go to freshmeat after I benchmark on Sunday, I'm going to go. I'd like to go to keep perfecting my basic skills, and be a good example to new skaters at the things I really excel at. I truly believe that I can be a great mentor to future freshmeat to come. I am finally taking my final steps toward becoming an official RDRDA skater. It's very exciting.... I've been waiting since August!
In addition to the original topic, I have been to two freshmeat friendly league practices now, and I learned new and different things that freshmeat practices... more about the actual game. It's very important to go to freshmeat and learn hoe to skate properly for as long as it takes, but once anyone perfects their basic skating skills, I suggest everyone go to a few league practices before attempting to benchmark. I learned an amazing amount about the rules, game play, and strategy... also I got the opportunity to perfect skills that are a bit more advanced, like jumping, blocking, laterals, 360's, whips, and snaking. Those are the ones for me, that I'm really glad I got the chance to get more in depth practice on. After going to just two league practices I'm 100% sure that I can benchmark this Sunday. Thanks to Lip Lash and Razor Recked It for heading up those two practices. They were both awesome. And thanks to Hej Clip Her, Malady, and DM for helping us freshies.
I've been meaning to do this for a while. I want to give props to all the freshmeat skaters I've skated with. Every single one of them that regularly come to practice are determined, dedicated, and focused on getting better, and in the coaches case, creating ready, fit, and dedicated skaters. Just to list few (Sorry if I miss anyone) Ali, Andy Anarchy (Amanda), Scourge Her (Trina), Teri Fying, Arlene, Rags, Torture Chamber (Lisa), Angela, Kaustic, Linzifer, Fiver, Unchained Malady, Lacee Longstalkin, Twisted, Fatal, Nomad, Cakes, Pappa Razzo, Ginger, The Jester, Lexisonfire, Lady Laceration, Vitamin B, and Taz. I also want to mention the girls I've only skated with a few times (I hope they come back), Michelle, Donna, Christina, and Wody (Mama).
I have nothing but good things to say about every single one of the people listed above. hopefully it stays that way as I spend more time with them. I've had an excellent experience in Freshmeat. Excellent coaches, excellent skate mates, excellent exercise, excellent learning experience, and an excellent growing experience.
I'm getting closer to joining team practices, although, if I can ever go to freshmeat after I benchmark on Sunday, I'm going to go. I'd like to go to keep perfecting my basic skills, and be a good example to new skaters at the things I really excel at. I truly believe that I can be a great mentor to future freshmeat to come. I am finally taking my final steps toward becoming an official RDRDA skater. It's very exciting.... I've been waiting since August!
In addition to the original topic, I have been to two freshmeat friendly league practices now, and I learned new and different things that freshmeat practices... more about the actual game. It's very important to go to freshmeat and learn hoe to skate properly for as long as it takes, but once anyone perfects their basic skating skills, I suggest everyone go to a few league practices before attempting to benchmark. I learned an amazing amount about the rules, game play, and strategy... also I got the opportunity to perfect skills that are a bit more advanced, like jumping, blocking, laterals, 360's, whips, and snaking. Those are the ones for me, that I'm really glad I got the chance to get more in depth practice on. After going to just two league practices I'm 100% sure that I can benchmark this Sunday. Thanks to Lip Lash and Razor Recked It for heading up those two practices. They were both awesome. And thanks to Hej Clip Her, Malady, and DM for helping us freshies.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Catching Up
I know I haven't posted for a long time. Unfortunately, a series of events that were beyond my control temporarily took over my life... I'm back, sort of... I'm trying to be at least! I have had a few things happen in the last few days, pushing me to force myself to write this post. I actually have many things to share, just not the time to get it out! One of my biggest downfalls is that I LOVE to share. Yes, I said downfalls... how do you figure that? you ask. Well, I am constantly sharing stories, feelings, and things that maybe not everyone wants to hear. The great thing about a blog... if you don't want to hear me share, don't read. Simple! So, needless to say, I think I'm driving everyone crazy with my "I'm talking/complaining your ear off" kind of sharing.
I have a few major derby things happening right now. this weekend is the Skate And Destroy boot camp! Saturday... boot camp, Sunday... Benchmark and my first Rookie game! yes, that's right!! MY FIRST GAME!!!! I'm beyond excited for this shit! I need a new mouth guard (again), a pair of knee high socks, shin guards, and blue shoelaces (to match my wheels because that's cool!) I'd love some sticker letters too so that I can have my name, "Serious Lee" on the back of my helmet! I don't want to be distracted by my mouth guard trying to benchmark or play in the game! this is the lineup for my game. See my name at the very bottom :) GO Team Red!
Bout 2
Team C (Red)
Eliz a deth Elizabeth Pullan
Shear Destruction 66 Joanne Bokitch Bow Valley Roller Derby
TheMon 32 Monica Evers-Harvey Bow Valley Roller Derby
Bitch Amen 1176 Nadine Jennipher Pearson Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ella Straytor, #2H Kristine Astop Chinook City Roller Derby League
Big Kahuna 2517 Sarah Hampton Chinook City Roller Derby League
Mad Madam Mim 5150 Jacqueline Boniface Chinook City Roller Derby League
Sweetie Darling 74 Amal Cohen CRDA
DeVotchka Thrash 33 Jessica de Groot East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Puma Thurman 8 Virginia White East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Lucy Lug Nuts #1/2 inch Jessie Haggard Gas City
Five Hole Cindy Randford-Steinwand Heartland Rollergirls Association
AubTMiss Prime #113 Aubrey Shpaiuk Lil Chicago Roller Derby
Serious Lee #33 Trina Rhine RDRDA
Team D (Black)
Tonya Lowe Bow Valley Roller Derby
Roe'd Kill Rachelle Honeyman Bow Valley Roller Derby
DING DONG AV-ON CALLING #24 Andrea Vaughan Bow Valley Roller Derby
Mayne Squeeze 1010 Sara Mayne Chinook City Roller Derby League
Judge JenAcide 25-2Life Jennifer Jeans Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ru$$ian Rollette #18 Sonia Stauch Chinook City Roller Derby League
Negative Nancy #138 Carla Fedje CRDA
Hart Knox ♥ Shelley Lawrence East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Ziggy Bonedust 255 Hope Landry East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Muffy Merkin #2-15 Judy-Lyn Sylvester Heartland Rollergirls Association
Backseat Roll'Her Krystal Baker Heartland Rollergirls Association
Low Key # 3.14 Keely Lucas OCDG
Linzifer Lindsay RDRDA
There it is!!!!! Yes, I'm that excited! I'm also excited to benchmark. This means that I can go to the Nightshades practices soon. I think I'll start going Monday's and Wednesdays (and maybe Thursdays... yes I'm crazy) Hopefully i can still go to Freshmeat.... Malady?
I'm really building my derby muscles. It's been a few practices now. I hurt less and less at practice, and I hurt less and less after practice. It's great. Physically aside from some non-muscle related problems, this is the best I have felt in a while. I am definitely gonna blame that on derby! Even lifting the chairs up onto the tables at work is getting so much easier. I feel like a much stronger person all around now... inside and out!
I'll spend the next week or so catching up, in more detail, on all the things i wanted to share!
I have a few major derby things happening right now. this weekend is the Skate And Destroy boot camp! Saturday... boot camp, Sunday... Benchmark and my first Rookie game! yes, that's right!! MY FIRST GAME!!!! I'm beyond excited for this shit! I need a new mouth guard (again), a pair of knee high socks, shin guards, and blue shoelaces (to match my wheels because that's cool!) I'd love some sticker letters too so that I can have my name, "Serious Lee" on the back of my helmet! I don't want to be distracted by my mouth guard trying to benchmark or play in the game! this is the lineup for my game. See my name at the very bottom :) GO Team Red!
Bout 2
Team C (Red)
Eliz a deth Elizabeth Pullan
Shear Destruction 66 Joanne Bokitch Bow Valley Roller Derby
TheMon 32 Monica Evers-Harvey Bow Valley Roller Derby
Bitch Amen 1176 Nadine Jennipher Pearson Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ella Straytor, #2H Kristine Astop Chinook City Roller Derby League
Big Kahuna 2517 Sarah Hampton Chinook City Roller Derby League
Mad Madam Mim 5150 Jacqueline Boniface Chinook City Roller Derby League
Sweetie Darling 74 Amal Cohen CRDA
DeVotchka Thrash 33 Jessica de Groot East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Puma Thurman 8 Virginia White East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Lucy Lug Nuts #1/2 inch Jessie Haggard Gas City
Five Hole Cindy Randford-Steinwand Heartland Rollergirls Association
AubTMiss Prime #113 Aubrey Shpaiuk Lil Chicago Roller Derby
Serious Lee #33 Trina Rhine RDRDA
Team D (Black)
Tonya Lowe Bow Valley Roller Derby
Roe'd Kill Rachelle Honeyman Bow Valley Roller Derby
DING DONG AV-ON CALLING #24 Andrea Vaughan Bow Valley Roller Derby
Mayne Squeeze 1010 Sara Mayne Chinook City Roller Derby League
Judge JenAcide 25-2Life Jennifer Jeans Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ru$$ian Rollette #18 Sonia Stauch Chinook City Roller Derby League
Negative Nancy #138 Carla Fedje CRDA
Hart Knox ♥ Shelley Lawrence East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Ziggy Bonedust 255 Hope Landry East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Muffy Merkin #2-15 Judy-Lyn Sylvester Heartland Rollergirls Association
Backseat Roll'Her Krystal Baker Heartland Rollergirls Association
Low Key # 3.14 Keely Lucas OCDG
Linzifer Lindsay RDRDA
There it is!!!!! Yes, I'm that excited! I'm also excited to benchmark. This means that I can go to the Nightshades practices soon. I think I'll start going Monday's and Wednesdays (and maybe Thursdays... yes I'm crazy) Hopefully i can still go to Freshmeat.... Malady?
I'm really building my derby muscles. It's been a few practices now. I hurt less and less at practice, and I hurt less and less after practice. It's great. Physically aside from some non-muscle related problems, this is the best I have felt in a while. I am definitely gonna blame that on derby! Even lifting the chairs up onto the tables at work is getting so much easier. I feel like a much stronger person all around now... inside and out!
I'll spend the next week or so catching up, in more detail, on all the things i wanted to share!
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Getting Back Into It
WOW! I had the best practice yet tonight. they really just worked us so hard.. by the end of it I think I was wheezing! (time to make some lifestyle changes) I really want to just dance around and jump up and down shouting "roller derby is fucking awesome!" Seriously! I got to introduce my self as "Serious" when we were doing stretches tonight. It made me feel like I was starting to embrace my alter ego, really becoming another whole person in a sense... still me yet " Serious Lee"... intense, dangerous, powerful, and genuine.
My skates are great... way better than the ones I was using... but I need new wheels. I need some wheels that will give me speed and control. I feel like I'm tripping over the ones I have now, they really are too wide for what I want to do. I have so much to learn about the gear still. My pads and helmet seem to be great though! I still need a moulded mouth guard... mine is so distracting.
I learned some new stuff about stops today, which is always good. I'm determined to be able to stop really quick if I have to. I seem to be getting good at the tee stop, which isn't really used all that much oddly enough, but I'm also getting better at the hockey stop and the plow stop! I'm not sure which one is more valuable on the track yet though.... anyone know?
I also had the pleasure of learning from two skaters I haven't been coached by yet... Bert and Taz. They are both super fast, agile, and downright dominant skaters. I feel privileged to have been coached by them both. Bert and Taz really are people I can learn from, I hope they both go to many practices to come! I'm planning to be out of freshmeat soon but I know that other freshies that aspire to be jammers can learn from these two cool cats as well. Also I have to say that Nomad is quite the cat too! This is one guy that really knows what hes doing... and even though he may
We did the coffin drill tonight. It was really, really hard, but good training and a bit of fun. Starting on your back, arms crossed on your chest, and wheels flat against the boards, we wait for the whistle to blow... then get up as fast as we can and RACE to the other side of the track, knee drop and slide onto your back in the starting position while attempting not to slam into the boards on the other side. For anyone reading not familiar with roller derby.. you might have to read that a few times to understand what the fuck I'm talking about!
This is my derby wound for the night. I'm REALLY sorry it's a pic of my stink old derby foot. And I'm not complaining.... I'm sharing!
My skates are great... way better than the ones I was using... but I need new wheels. I need some wheels that will give me speed and control. I feel like I'm tripping over the ones I have now, they really are too wide for what I want to do. I have so much to learn about the gear still. My pads and helmet seem to be great though! I still need a moulded mouth guard... mine is so distracting.
I learned some new stuff about stops today, which is always good. I'm determined to be able to stop really quick if I have to. I seem to be getting good at the tee stop, which isn't really used all that much oddly enough, but I'm also getting better at the hockey stop and the plow stop! I'm not sure which one is more valuable on the track yet though.... anyone know?
I also had the pleasure of learning from two skaters I haven't been coached by yet... Bert and Taz. They are both super fast, agile, and downright dominant skaters. I feel privileged to have been coached by them both. Bert and Taz really are people I can learn from, I hope they both go to many practices to come! I'm planning to be out of freshmeat soon but I know that other freshies that aspire to be jammers can learn from these two cool cats as well. Also I have to say that Nomad is quite the cat too! This is one guy that really knows what hes doing... and even though he may
We did the coffin drill tonight. It was really, really hard, but good training and a bit of fun. Starting on your back, arms crossed on your chest, and wheels flat against the boards, we wait for the whistle to blow... then get up as fast as we can and RACE to the other side of the track, knee drop and slide onto your back in the starting position while attempting not to slam into the boards on the other side. For anyone reading not familiar with roller derby.. you might have to read that a few times to understand what the fuck I'm talking about!
This is my derby wound for the night. I'm REALLY sorry it's a pic of my stink old derby foot. And I'm not complaining.... I'm sharing!
I do have to say this is definitely one of the biggest blisters I have ever had the pleasure to have. Just on the one foot too, because I mostly only skate around the track in one direction. Anyone have a good remedy for blisters?
Friday, 23 September 2011
Fun Skate Was, Well, Really Fun!
Several of the RDRDA skaters have been helping out to turn an old arena into the RDRDA Rollerdome. Although I wasn't there for every night of the renovations, I do feel like I was there as much as I could be to help get regular practice start as soon as possible. The work that everyone did is unbelievable! The floor couldn't be cleaner and smoother. Good job everyone!!
I finally got to take my skates and cruise on the track! Up until tonight I had only my small linoleum floor to skate on. I didn't get to go very fast in the confined spaces around my house... although I did get lots of practice maneuvering and stopping! The cement floor downstairs was a little more like the one at the Rollerdome, but it's often strewed with toys, books, and storage items.
Putting on all my gear for the first time at the arena, I felt a surge of energy run through me. I was excited and scared... I was scared that the confidence I felt on my lino floors at home would turn into a sticky mess on the arena floor. I knew my wheels were great on the lino, but what about cement? Turns out it is pretty different. Skating out there for the first time I felt slow and a little awkward. I was lucky enough to have Scourge Her (the other Trina) skate at the same pace as me and keep me company as I learned my new skates. She is another fellow freshie. She will be benchmarking with me at the end of October.
After a while, I really started getting the feel of my skates... I started going faster, and faster. The only downside to that was that I wasn't perfectly comfortable on them for about 15 minutes, and there were a lot of people on the track. It was a fun skate, so they were also putting out obstacles, jumping mats, and a ball! At first I was scared of the ball (with or without the new skates), but I got brave and kicked it a few times. I also zig-zaged around the obstacles (I had to go around every second one, but I did it). Once there were fewer people on the track, I decided to get some practice on my lap speed. Now, this depends on several things... first, I wasn't sure yet if I could do a proper crossover in my new skates, hell, I wasn't sure I could do a proper crossover at all... second, my skates felt really sticky and slow, I thought I might just move the wrong way and have my wheel stick in an awkward position (this possibly means a big fall if at a high speed)... third, there were still about 8 people on the track to maneuver around at a high speed. Lets not forget, I'm a freshie (inexperienced). All this being said... I didn't fall once!
I met some new people tonight. Everyone seems really willing to accept me as a new skater. I have to say, they have made me feel very welcome! All of them. I got wowed by a few little ladies (and gents)... honestly, these girls (and guys) are amazing! Some I have already met... Mortu Mary, Nomad, and Ginger... and some I just met tonight... Bert, Gigi, Bitch Slap, and TyeDie (hope I spelled that right). I'm sorry if I forgot anyone that thinks they should be on the list... it's been a long day.
I finally got to take my skates and cruise on the track! Up until tonight I had only my small linoleum floor to skate on. I didn't get to go very fast in the confined spaces around my house... although I did get lots of practice maneuvering and stopping! The cement floor downstairs was a little more like the one at the Rollerdome, but it's often strewed with toys, books, and storage items.
Putting on all my gear for the first time at the arena, I felt a surge of energy run through me. I was excited and scared... I was scared that the confidence I felt on my lino floors at home would turn into a sticky mess on the arena floor. I knew my wheels were great on the lino, but what about cement? Turns out it is pretty different. Skating out there for the first time I felt slow and a little awkward. I was lucky enough to have Scourge Her (the other Trina) skate at the same pace as me and keep me company as I learned my new skates. She is another fellow freshie. She will be benchmarking with me at the end of October.
After a while, I really started getting the feel of my skates... I started going faster, and faster. The only downside to that was that I wasn't perfectly comfortable on them for about 15 minutes, and there were a lot of people on the track. It was a fun skate, so they were also putting out obstacles, jumping mats, and a ball! At first I was scared of the ball (with or without the new skates), but I got brave and kicked it a few times. I also zig-zaged around the obstacles (I had to go around every second one, but I did it). Once there were fewer people on the track, I decided to get some practice on my lap speed. Now, this depends on several things... first, I wasn't sure yet if I could do a proper crossover in my new skates, hell, I wasn't sure I could do a proper crossover at all... second, my skates felt really sticky and slow, I thought I might just move the wrong way and have my wheel stick in an awkward position (this possibly means a big fall if at a high speed)... third, there were still about 8 people on the track to maneuver around at a high speed. Lets not forget, I'm a freshie (inexperienced). All this being said... I didn't fall once!
I met some new people tonight. Everyone seems really willing to accept me as a new skater. I have to say, they have made me feel very welcome! All of them. I got wowed by a few little ladies (and gents)... honestly, these girls (and guys) are amazing! Some I have already met... Mortu Mary, Nomad, and Ginger... and some I just met tonight... Bert, Gigi, Bitch Slap, and TyeDie (hope I spelled that right). I'm sorry if I forgot anyone that thinks they should be on the list... it's been a long day.
Monday, 12 September 2011
It's All Coming Together!!
As I lift the chairs and put them upside down on all the tables, I can feel it getting easier and easier as the days and weeks go by, I can almost do it with one hand now. I even started noticing that cans, bottles, and jars are easier to open. It also takes less energy to go up and down a flight of stairs.. I remember before starting derby, all it took was one flight of stairs and I was out of breath. Doing housework and cleaning at work is getting much easier... I can vacuum and mop the entire lobby floor without feeling like I need to take a break half way through, I can clean the whole bathroom now without breaking a sweat, and I can now carry my laundry up and down two flights of stairs with much more ease. I have less general pain than usual and my muscles are already starting to firm up, especially in my legs. I've noticed that all my jeans are getting a bit tight! This is all the result of getting my muscles back in action, all the important ones, my core. As long as I keep exercising regularly and going to my two hour derby practices, I will keep getting stronger.
Yes... I Finally Have A Pair Of Skates To Call My Own... I Also Call Them "My Lovely's"
So... I finally got my own skates... and my own gear! It seems like it took forever! I just want to throw out a huge thank you to my wonderful boyfriend, Dan, who bought my skates! I wouldn't have them yet without his generosity. I'm a very lucky derby girl!

As soon as I got my skates I had to try them on to see if they fit. They fit perfectly! I was fortunate enough to have a lovely lady, Teri, let me try her skates on at the last practice. It's a damn good thing I did too because otherwise I'd have ordered the wrong size! Since her size three's were a tad bit small I decided to order a size four and hope for the best.
Once I put them on.. they didn't come off for 3 days... except to drive, sleep and work. Everything else I did, I did with my skates on my feet! I made meals, cleaned the house, had a few friends come over, went up and down stairs, and even went to the bathroom with them on! The way I see it, I'm not just breaking in my skates, I'm getting my feet used to them too (breaking my feet in). Yes, by the third day my feet hurt a little, but all for a great cause!
As I was skating around my house relentlessly, I discovered I can do EVERYTHING better in my new skates. I can stop better, skate better, and turn better (I can pretty much do pirouettes in my skates!) I absolutely can't wait to get out there on a real track and see what my skates can really do!! 30 laps in 5 minutes... here I come!!
I'm buying outdoor wheels for my skates tonight too! Lacee is going to show me how to switch them out so I can skate outside. It all seems to be coming together for me now.. .I'm well on my way to becoming the derby queen I want to be.

As soon as I got my skates I had to try them on to see if they fit. They fit perfectly! I was fortunate enough to have a lovely lady, Teri, let me try her skates on at the last practice. It's a damn good thing I did too because otherwise I'd have ordered the wrong size! Since her size three's were a tad bit small I decided to order a size four and hope for the best.
Once I put them on.. they didn't come off for 3 days... except to drive, sleep and work. Everything else I did, I did with my skates on my feet! I made meals, cleaned the house, had a few friends come over, went up and down stairs, and even went to the bathroom with them on! The way I see it, I'm not just breaking in my skates, I'm getting my feet used to them too (breaking my feet in). Yes, by the third day my feet hurt a little, but all for a great cause!
As I was skating around my house relentlessly, I discovered I can do EVERYTHING better in my new skates. I can stop better, skate better, and turn better (I can pretty much do pirouettes in my skates!) I absolutely can't wait to get out there on a real track and see what my skates can really do!! 30 laps in 5 minutes... here I come!!
I'm buying outdoor wheels for my skates tonight too! Lacee is going to show me how to switch them out so I can skate outside. It all seems to be coming together for me now.. .I'm well on my way to becoming the derby queen I want to be.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Waiting For Skates
Roller Derby has been a BIG part of my life in the last month... and it's about to get even BIGGER!
On Saturday, I ordered my first pair of skates... thanks to my wonderful boyfriend (he was wonderful before he bought me the skates). "Seeing you smile and light up like that is thanks enough for me", he says, "I can see that you are passionate and dedicated". I'm so glad he sees how important this is to me. I won't succeed at this if I'm not supported by the people who love me. Thanks Dan!
So, now I get to wait. I've heard it's not long... less than a week, I'm hoping I have them by Friday. I ordered all my pads (elbows, knees, and wrists), and a new mouth guard (the one I have now is way too big). I'm probably gonna put on all my new gear and roller skate around my house for days. I'll be doing the dishes in my skates, and the laundry, and maybe even cook in my skates. I don't care if my kids think I'm crazy!! (I might even wear them to bed)
With new skates, comes a new freedom that I can't wait to experience. I'll be able to skate where and when I want to. Right now I am so limited, I can only practice in Springbrook during scheduled practices. Sure I can train... squatting, stretching, running, etc, but I need to practice skating too! I need to practice all those benchmarks I need to meet. Getting on the team is really important to me and I want to get there ASAP.
Step 1: Receive skates and gear
Step 2: Skate every day
Step 3: Get benchmarked and on the team
Step 4: Become a roller derby superstar
Step 5: Represent Team Canada at the Olympics
Wish me luck!
On Saturday, I ordered my first pair of skates... thanks to my wonderful boyfriend (he was wonderful before he bought me the skates). "Seeing you smile and light up like that is thanks enough for me", he says, "I can see that you are passionate and dedicated". I'm so glad he sees how important this is to me. I won't succeed at this if I'm not supported by the people who love me. Thanks Dan!
So, now I get to wait. I've heard it's not long... less than a week, I'm hoping I have them by Friday. I ordered all my pads (elbows, knees, and wrists), and a new mouth guard (the one I have now is way too big). I'm probably gonna put on all my new gear and roller skate around my house for days. I'll be doing the dishes in my skates, and the laundry, and maybe even cook in my skates. I don't care if my kids think I'm crazy!! (I might even wear them to bed)
With new skates, comes a new freedom that I can't wait to experience. I'll be able to skate where and when I want to. Right now I am so limited, I can only practice in Springbrook during scheduled practices. Sure I can train... squatting, stretching, running, etc, but I need to practice skating too! I need to practice all those benchmarks I need to meet. Getting on the team is really important to me and I want to get there ASAP.
Step 1: Receive skates and gear
Step 2: Skate every day
Step 3: Get benchmarked and on the team
Step 4: Become a roller derby superstar
Step 5: Represent Team Canada at the Olympics
Wish me luck!
A lot of people are asking me what benchmarking is. Benchmarking is meeting specific milestones as a skater before you can join a team. Here's what I need to be able to do to benchmark:
1. 5 laps in 1 minute (achieved) - When I did my laps on Monday I had done 6 and a half laps at the one minute mark
2. 25 Laps in 5 min (achieved)
3. Tee stop (achieved)
4. Toe stop (achieved)
5. Plow stop (achieved)
6. Tomahawk stop (achieved)
7. Knee drops (achieved)
8. 4 point fall (needs work)
9. Gliding on one leg (achieved)
10. Jumping (needs a little work, but I pretty much got it)
11. Crossovers (achieved)
12. Cutting the track (Needs a lot of work)
13. Proper form (needs a little work)
14. Skate backwards (almost good enough)
I don't think I am missing anything. I may be though, I'm still pretty new at this.
1. 5 laps in 1 minute (achieved) - When I did my laps on Monday I had done 6 and a half laps at the one minute mark
2. 25 Laps in 5 min (achieved)
3. Tee stop (achieved)
4. Toe stop (achieved)
5. Plow stop (achieved)
6. Tomahawk stop (achieved)
7. Knee drops (achieved)
8. 4 point fall (needs work)
9. Gliding on one leg (achieved)
10. Jumping (needs a little work, but I pretty much got it)
11. Crossovers (achieved)
12. Cutting the track (Needs a lot of work)
13. Proper form (needs a little work)
14. Skate backwards (almost good enough)
I don't think I am missing anything. I may be though, I'm still pretty new at this.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
A Month Off? I Hope Not!
First of all, the only reason I have a problem with this, is because I just started... and I am on a bit of a roll. I'm sure by next summer I will welcome a month or two off of squatting, skating for 5 minutes without stopping, knee drop drills, planks, and falling on my butt cheeks. But for now... I WANT TO SKATE!!
That's me in my gear. half of it belongs to RDRDA.
The other thing I'm worried about is doing at least 2 hours of cardio every week. That's what I do at practice, so I have to keep that up! I'll regret it if I don't. Anyone have any suggestions that will make it more fun? PS... I HATE running, more than doing squats, even more than not having my own skates. speaking of running... when Lacee mentioned running for practices while we had no track, I cringed a little, physically.I can sprint no problem, but long distance running... OUCH! I'll do it for derby though! Whatever it takes.
I am hearing that there are a few other places we can go, and they were all nice enough to arrange that I could use their skates... I really appreciate that!!I'm sure you all know by now that if I had the money, I would get my damn skates. I can get half decent pads at sport check for about $30.00, which is a little easier to come up with than a couple hundred for good skates!
On the flip side... Lacee, Malady, Papa Razzo, Fiver (and a few others) will be giving up their time to keep us freshies going. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have practice at all! They probably want a month off. But Lacee, I completely agree, because if I don't keep going it's gonna be like starting over! I'm pretty sure that at least 8 of us that will practice almost anywhere. I'm really hoping we can keep practices going, not just for me, but for all of us freshies, we need it!
That's me in my gear. half of it belongs to RDRDA.
The other thing I'm worried about is doing at least 2 hours of cardio every week. That's what I do at practice, so I have to keep that up! I'll regret it if I don't. Anyone have any suggestions that will make it more fun? PS... I HATE running, more than doing squats, even more than not having my own skates. speaking of running... when Lacee mentioned running for practices while we had no track, I cringed a little, physically.I can sprint no problem, but long distance running... OUCH! I'll do it for derby though! Whatever it takes.
I am hearing that there are a few other places we can go, and they were all nice enough to arrange that I could use their skates... I really appreciate that!!I'm sure you all know by now that if I had the money, I would get my damn skates. I can get half decent pads at sport check for about $30.00, which is a little easier to come up with than a couple hundred for good skates!
On the flip side... Lacee, Malady, Papa Razzo, Fiver (and a few others) will be giving up their time to keep us freshies going. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have practice at all! They probably want a month off. But Lacee, I completely agree, because if I don't keep going it's gonna be like starting over! I'm pretty sure that at least 8 of us that will practice almost anywhere. I'm really hoping we can keep practices going, not just for me, but for all of us freshies, we need it!
Calendar Contest!! Please Vote!!
Please take a few minutes out to go to this calendar contest website and vote for our girl Fatal Fantasy. She is currently in 5th place! Keep the votes coming!


Squeezing Through
Arg... The snake! One of my biggest failures so far. I'm not sure if I had some kind of traumatic experience that crept back up into my conscience when I had to do the snake drill... but I was scared shit less. For anyone reading who doesn't know what the snake is I can explain:
1. Skaters form a single line within arms length apart, while roller skating.
2. The person in the back of the line begins to weave in and out of the line.
3. That person joins the front of the line and continues in pace with the other skaters.
4. The next person weaves in and out and the next and the next...
I have a few things to say about this drill!
First, It's not only scary to be the weaver, but it's kind of scary being in the pace line in the first place. You have to skate at more or less the same speed as the other skater's in the line, and allow the weaver's enough room to get through. So... while travelling in this pace line you have to be aware of the person directly in front of you and the weaver (I try not to pay attention to the girl behind me because she should be watching me, right?), and stay upright on your skates.
Second, The weaving part is really hard for me... maybe because I haven't practiced it enough, or maybe it's just something I'm going to have to work harder to get it. For the most part when I skate I feel confident, but when doing this drill, I crumble a little. I guess everyone has their weaknesses.
Third, travelling in a line like that with roller skates on travelling as fast as we do, it's not that safe. It's one of the most uncomfortable situations I've been in on roller skates so far. We had a few falls tonight, but all in all, it was good. I have yet to see a pile up, but I'm sure I will. Fresh Meat seems like just the place it could happen! Pads, pads, and more pads.. GO PADS!!
Last, the good thing about doing snake drills, is that it really prepares you for what's to come on the track come game night.... form, focus, and control along with the ability to react to anything that comes your way. The snake teaches you all of those things and more. I have yet to find a drill that does that much for a players ability.
As much as I may be scared of (or bad at) snake drills. I love them all the same.
1. Skaters form a single line within arms length apart, while roller skating.
2. The person in the back of the line begins to weave in and out of the line.
3. That person joins the front of the line and continues in pace with the other skaters.
4. The next person weaves in and out and the next and the next...
I have a few things to say about this drill!
First, It's not only scary to be the weaver, but it's kind of scary being in the pace line in the first place. You have to skate at more or less the same speed as the other skater's in the line, and allow the weaver's enough room to get through. So... while travelling in this pace line you have to be aware of the person directly in front of you and the weaver (I try not to pay attention to the girl behind me because she should be watching me, right?), and stay upright on your skates.
Second, The weaving part is really hard for me... maybe because I haven't practiced it enough, or maybe it's just something I'm going to have to work harder to get it. For the most part when I skate I feel confident, but when doing this drill, I crumble a little. I guess everyone has their weaknesses.
Third, travelling in a line like that with roller skates on travelling as fast as we do, it's not that safe. It's one of the most uncomfortable situations I've been in on roller skates so far. We had a few falls tonight, but all in all, it was good. I have yet to see a pile up, but I'm sure I will. Fresh Meat seems like just the place it could happen! Pads, pads, and more pads.. GO PADS!!
Last, the good thing about doing snake drills, is that it really prepares you for what's to come on the track come game night.... form, focus, and control along with the ability to react to anything that comes your way. The snake teaches you all of those things and more. I have yet to find a drill that does that much for a players ability.
As much as I may be scared of (or bad at) snake drills. I love them all the same.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Extra Practice
Sunday I got to go to the arena for an extra practice! Trust me, I need all the practice i can get. It's hard not having skates, anticipating Monday every week. I'd love to be able to practice other days.
I'm a little anxious to get benchmarked now. When I first started, even though I knew it wouldn't take me long if I put my mind to it, I really wasn't in a hurry to benchmark. Well, now I am! Unfortunately I only have tonight's practice and then I have to take a month off... Unless I buy some skates, outdoor wheels, knee pads, and elbow pads. Everyone that has been giving me a lot of encouragement and some really good advice.
I met Angry Lil' Knome last time I went to practice. She noticed that I was practicing my stops so she came right over and started coaching me on how to do it. Now, lets get one thing straight. She was there on her own time to do her own practicing and she took a bunch of time out to make sure I was doing things properly, as did Mortu. I really appreciate these girls taking time out to help me... they really didn't have to. I fixed my plow stop, worked on my crossovers, finally got the tee stop, and... I learned how to jump! I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made, so if it seems like I'm bragging... I am. I think I'm allowed.
I'm a little anxious to get benchmarked now. When I first started, even though I knew it wouldn't take me long if I put my mind to it, I really wasn't in a hurry to benchmark. Well, now I am! Unfortunately I only have tonight's practice and then I have to take a month off... Unless I buy some skates, outdoor wheels, knee pads, and elbow pads. Everyone that has been giving me a lot of encouragement and some really good advice.
I met Angry Lil' Knome last time I went to practice. She noticed that I was practicing my stops so she came right over and started coaching me on how to do it. Now, lets get one thing straight. She was there on her own time to do her own practicing and she took a bunch of time out to make sure I was doing things properly, as did Mortu. I really appreciate these girls taking time out to help me... they really didn't have to. I fixed my plow stop, worked on my crossovers, finally got the tee stop, and... I learned how to jump! I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made, so if it seems like I'm bragging... I am. I think I'm allowed.
Getting There
It was my first time watching a roller derby game on Saturday.
Let's start here... I pulled up in the parking lot of the westerner, only a couple dozen cars were there so far, feeling a little overwhelmed. I was arriving alone and I didn't really know who to talk to when I went in. I walked up to the main doors praying that I would see someone I knew and they could point me in the right direction.I'm getting pretty good at confrontation with strangers, so I wasn't as nervous as I used to get in these situations. When I walked into the area where the derby was happening, I didn't see anyone I knew right away. I panicked a little. The nightshades were in the middle of the track, in a loose huddle, getting ready to do their warm up. Feeling like a dumb-ass, I wondered around for a few minutes waiting for someone to notice that I was lost. With no success, I then slowly walked up to the semi-huddled pack. Finally, one girl noticed and walked toward me. I asked her where to go if I was here to help. She confidently pointed me to The Jester (One of the ref's). After a bit of scrambling, because I wasn't on the NSO list (I don't even know what that stands for yet), they found me a job. I was to do outside white. I had no idea what that was or how to do it, but after a brief review of my job description I was on my way. Seemed simple enough: stand on the outside corner, write down the penalties, and hold them up for the people on the inside of the track. Luckily I was in charge of that for the second bout only, so I got to watch the girl in charge of the first bout do it first.
After that i started to run into a few people I knew and people I didn't know so well... All the girls friendly and easy to get along with so far. In addition to the people I have already mentioned, I met a few more awesome (and interesting) people. The first people I would like to talk about are the guys. These are the guys on the men's team. Some of them are referee's... The ones I have met so far are all ref's, The Jester, General Thruster, and Nomad. Now, let's get one thing straight! Not anybody can be a ref! There is a process involved, rigorous testing, and demonstrating perfect skill. These guys can skate!! I can't wait to see the men's team in action! When do you play?
Then I started to meet more of the girls... some still rookies and NSOing like me... Amanda, Scourge Her, and Julia (not sure if she is a rookie or not). Also Flux, who was out due to an injury. These girls are my future teammates. Then the Nighshades and Belladonna's... Naomi (Not sure what her derby name is), Fatal Fantasy, Razor Wrecked It, and Stitch Rip Her. All awesome ladies so far.
Finally the first bout was starting! I sat down in suicide seating and got my camera ready. The Belladonna's are in the purple.
That's what I got to see... very up close and personal! I have to say, although this was a very entertaining experience I learned way more than I thought I was going to just by watching. I learned that a scrimmage and a game are the same thing except a scrimmage is with your own team. I seriously thought they were different. It's okay, go ahead and laugh. I learned what the blockers do, what the jammers do, and how it all works together. I can't wait to get on the team and really learn the game.
I have so much more to say about Saturday, but I will leave it at that for now so I can get this post out.
Let's start here... I pulled up in the parking lot of the westerner, only a couple dozen cars were there so far, feeling a little overwhelmed. I was arriving alone and I didn't really know who to talk to when I went in. I walked up to the main doors praying that I would see someone I knew and they could point me in the right direction.I'm getting pretty good at confrontation with strangers, so I wasn't as nervous as I used to get in these situations. When I walked into the area where the derby was happening, I didn't see anyone I knew right away. I panicked a little. The nightshades were in the middle of the track, in a loose huddle, getting ready to do their warm up. Feeling like a dumb-ass, I wondered around for a few minutes waiting for someone to notice that I was lost. With no success, I then slowly walked up to the semi-huddled pack. Finally, one girl noticed and walked toward me. I asked her where to go if I was here to help. She confidently pointed me to The Jester (One of the ref's). After a bit of scrambling, because I wasn't on the NSO list (I don't even know what that stands for yet), they found me a job. I was to do outside white. I had no idea what that was or how to do it, but after a brief review of my job description I was on my way. Seemed simple enough: stand on the outside corner, write down the penalties, and hold them up for the people on the inside of the track. Luckily I was in charge of that for the second bout only, so I got to watch the girl in charge of the first bout do it first.
After that i started to run into a few people I knew and people I didn't know so well... All the girls friendly and easy to get along with so far. In addition to the people I have already mentioned, I met a few more awesome (and interesting) people. The first people I would like to talk about are the guys. These are the guys on the men's team. Some of them are referee's... The ones I have met so far are all ref's, The Jester, General Thruster, and Nomad. Now, let's get one thing straight! Not anybody can be a ref! There is a process involved, rigorous testing, and demonstrating perfect skill. These guys can skate!! I can't wait to see the men's team in action! When do you play?
Then I started to meet more of the girls... some still rookies and NSOing like me... Amanda, Scourge Her, and Julia (not sure if she is a rookie or not). Also Flux, who was out due to an injury. These girls are my future teammates. Then the Nighshades and Belladonna's... Naomi (Not sure what her derby name is), Fatal Fantasy, Razor Wrecked It, and Stitch Rip Her. All awesome ladies so far.
Finally the first bout was starting! I sat down in suicide seating and got my camera ready. The Belladonna's are in the purple.
That's what I got to see... very up close and personal! I have to say, although this was a very entertaining experience I learned way more than I thought I was going to just by watching. I learned that a scrimmage and a game are the same thing except a scrimmage is with your own team. I seriously thought they were different. It's okay, go ahead and laugh. I learned what the blockers do, what the jammers do, and how it all works together. I can't wait to get on the team and really learn the game.
I have so much more to say about Saturday, but I will leave it at that for now so I can get this post out.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Derby Wear
The first practice I wore my super tight black work jeans, which were actually flexible enough to skate AND fall in (I would wear them again if I had to), a lime green shirt (which was not a good idea! Everyone else was wearing purple or black, the colors of both of the RDRDA teams), and all my gear was on backwards... I'm sure.
Finding something to wear to practice has been especially difficult! As I looked in my drawers and in boxes I never planned to open, looking for anything resembling workout wear, I found a pair of footed tights, black with white bones going all the way up and down the front and back... and a pair of really stupid tan pantyhose. I didn't want to show up in tan pantyhose I knew that much! I felt ridiculous enough that I had to wear enough clothing to protect myself, but tight enough to know that my wheels weren't going to get caught in my clothes, whether I was standing, or skating, or falling, or getting up. Roller derby+loose clothing=probable disaster when you are a rookie!
The male skaters seem to be able to wear loose type sweats and bear legs with cargo shorts (pockets and all) with no problem, no care in the world, cruising around the track, skimming their way through the pack with mere inches (That's plenty enough to get by without incident) between him and the other players. Watching the men jamming during the scrimmage was amazing. When I first started watching and I didn't know what was going on, I could tell that the male players were much more aggressive than the ladies... dare I even say faster?? I don't really want to say the men are stronger and faster than the women.... after I watch a few bouts of each I will update my opinion on that. Either way, the guys were fascinating to watch... Let me just say this.... They didn't look gay at all (like I expected them to for some stupid reason), they looked sleek, and manly, and powerful. Cheers to the guys!!
Oh.. back to my outfit! I found a pair of white tights in the meantime... but black and white looks too much like a referee... although if I wore all white (which I've told i look good doing) is it so much like a ref? I tried it all on, and yes I still looked too much like a ref... if any of you disagree please let me know. Then I found about three pairs of VERY thick black leotards, too thick to exercise in. I figured they would be too warm. I dropped them from the option list right away. So, next I found In my Nine year old daughters drawer (because I thought I'd never wear them) a pair of black leotards. (And those were the only leggings in there... I'm sure she has more, where the hell did they all go??) As a dancer, the difference between leotards and tights is that leotards are a solid color (thick fabric) and tights are somewhat see through (like pantyhose). They actually had stirrups on the feet, even though they were purchased brand new in January. I grabbed all 3 leggings I was considering. I brought them up to my room and tried them on one by one with a matching top... they were all different. I like the bones... but I didn't want to try too hard to be roller derby chick right away.. I thought I would ease into it a little more... I chose to wear the black leotards, dark navy blue short shorts, and a black shirt. Easy peasy right?
I had to go a few places before derby after I left home, and I really wasn't prepared for everyone to ask about what I was wearing, so I threw on a pair of jeans over my derby uniform. The other girls show up in their uniform... why can't I? I still haven't figured this one out yet.
Next week I'll wear my bones tights... my bathing suit bottoms (which are black spandex short shorts), and a black tank top. That's gonna be my game uniform, for sure. I like being unique. Lot's of the other girls have ripped tights, stripped socks, or fishnet stockings. Me I'm a flat black or bones kinda girl. If I can keep them not ripped (sorry, bad grammar), I'll keep wearing them... anyone know where I can get another pair of tights with bones on them if they do rip?? Is there some kind of special store I don't know about? I have fishnet stockings, and I'm totally willing to wear them... I am gonna ease into it though. It'll be easier for me that way. I'm kinda scared to just dive into that world, even after being a dancer and wearing that all on stage. I'm getting there though.
Can't wait to find more derby wear! Fun!
Finding something to wear to practice has been especially difficult! As I looked in my drawers and in boxes I never planned to open, looking for anything resembling workout wear, I found a pair of footed tights, black with white bones going all the way up and down the front and back... and a pair of really stupid tan pantyhose. I didn't want to show up in tan pantyhose I knew that much! I felt ridiculous enough that I had to wear enough clothing to protect myself, but tight enough to know that my wheels weren't going to get caught in my clothes, whether I was standing, or skating, or falling, or getting up. Roller derby+loose clothing=probable disaster when you are a rookie!
The male skaters seem to be able to wear loose type sweats and bear legs with cargo shorts (pockets and all) with no problem, no care in the world, cruising around the track, skimming their way through the pack with mere inches (That's plenty enough to get by without incident) between him and the other players. Watching the men jamming during the scrimmage was amazing. When I first started watching and I didn't know what was going on, I could tell that the male players were much more aggressive than the ladies... dare I even say faster?? I don't really want to say the men are stronger and faster than the women.... after I watch a few bouts of each I will update my opinion on that. Either way, the guys were fascinating to watch... Let me just say this.... They didn't look gay at all (like I expected them to for some stupid reason), they looked sleek, and manly, and powerful. Cheers to the guys!!
Oh.. back to my outfit! I found a pair of white tights in the meantime... but black and white looks too much like a referee... although if I wore all white (which I've told i look good doing) is it so much like a ref? I tried it all on, and yes I still looked too much like a ref... if any of you disagree please let me know. Then I found about three pairs of VERY thick black leotards, too thick to exercise in. I figured they would be too warm. I dropped them from the option list right away. So, next I found In my Nine year old daughters drawer (because I thought I'd never wear them) a pair of black leotards. (And those were the only leggings in there... I'm sure she has more, where the hell did they all go??) As a dancer, the difference between leotards and tights is that leotards are a solid color (thick fabric) and tights are somewhat see through (like pantyhose). They actually had stirrups on the feet, even though they were purchased brand new in January. I grabbed all 3 leggings I was considering. I brought them up to my room and tried them on one by one with a matching top... they were all different. I like the bones... but I didn't want to try too hard to be roller derby chick right away.. I thought I would ease into it a little more... I chose to wear the black leotards, dark navy blue short shorts, and a black shirt. Easy peasy right?
I had to go a few places before derby after I left home, and I really wasn't prepared for everyone to ask about what I was wearing, so I threw on a pair of jeans over my derby uniform. The other girls show up in their uniform... why can't I? I still haven't figured this one out yet.
Next week I'll wear my bones tights... my bathing suit bottoms (which are black spandex short shorts), and a black tank top. That's gonna be my game uniform, for sure. I like being unique. Lot's of the other girls have ripped tights, stripped socks, or fishnet stockings. Me I'm a flat black or bones kinda girl. If I can keep them not ripped (sorry, bad grammar), I'll keep wearing them... anyone know where I can get another pair of tights with bones on them if they do rip?? Is there some kind of special store I don't know about? I have fishnet stockings, and I'm totally willing to wear them... I am gonna ease into it though. It'll be easier for me that way. I'm kinda scared to just dive into that world, even after being a dancer and wearing that all on stage. I'm getting there though.
Can't wait to find more derby wear! Fun!
Friday, 26 August 2011
The Girls!
I'd like to talk about some of the girls I've met so far. I don't want to talk behind their backs, so I really hope they are reading. Is it so bad if it's all good things I have to say? The thing is, is that it is a big part of the wonderful experience I am having. The other derby girls I can see becoming extremely important people in my life. After all, these are going to be my team-mates, my mentors, my friends.
The first person I met was Mortu Mary (I have mentioned her in a previous post). She hooked me up with this shit!! When I watched her play the game... WOW She really is one of the baddest chicks I have ever met! By baddest, I mean as a derby girl. . . She has this way, she is perfectly focused, aggressive, and graceful on her skates. With a wicked personality to boot! I felt like that before I even knew what was going on in the game, and I still feel that way now that I (kinda) know what's going on in the game.
The second person I met was Unchained Malady. She was the first girl to talk to me when I went to Fresh Meat that very first Monday. That in itself will always hold a special place in my heart (sorry, mushy I know). Like the other league skaters I've met, she glides effortlessly on her skates, aware and ready to take on any challenge thrown her way. At the first two practices she went out of her way to make sure I knew what I was doing. She came to me several times just to see if I was feeling comfortable or had any questions. Thanks Malady!!
Then I met Twisted Throttle! From what I heard she is the warm-up/cool down/exercise/stretching guru! I was kinda confused about how to stretch the parts of my body that were starting to hurt after only about 5 minutes of skating ( the fronts of my legs were killing me). She showed me how to stretch all that out and be ready to go around the track a few dozen more times. I was also pleased to see a very experienced skater built somewhat like me, only taller (since I was afraid I wasn't big enough to be in roller derby). And when I saw her skate... wow! I was so jealous of her abilities, I wanted to be like that... right now! HAHA I kind of wanted to be her for a minute.
The next week there were different coaches there. One of them was Lacee Long Stalkin'. Right away Lacee saw something in me. I'm not sure if she saw this in many other girls. She kept pushing me to keep skating and skate the right way. As I was rounding the track she would skate up to me and give me several words of wisdom... things to work on.. things that would suit me as a skater. And every time I turned around there she was, pushing me. She's a natural leader which makes her a fantastic coach!! As like the other experienced girls I was flabbergasted at how easy she make everything look, the skating, and the stopping (stopping is hard). She cruises the track without incident, without a flaw.
The last girl to make an impression on me so far was Lady Lady Laceration! Right away she reminded me of a drill Sargent, or a general(in a good way of course!) Another natural born leader in my eyes. Not only did she tell all of us new skaters what to do, but she made sure she showed us how to do it, in slow motion. Kinda like a step-by-step instruction booklet! (that's pretty hard to do on skates by the way) She has the best way of showing rookie skaters like me the very best way to do anything derby related. I was practicing my crossovers (I'm still pretty bad at them) and she noticed I was struggling a little... Right away she came to me and asked, "Are you trying to do crossovers?" She showed me how to do them properly in her special slow-mo way. I had no idea I was doing it so wrong. The new way will be much easier once I can get it! Thanks Lady!! You really helped me out.
I have yet to meet many of the awesome skaters that belong to the RDRDA, but something tells me I'm gonna like them all!
The first person I met was Mortu Mary (I have mentioned her in a previous post). She hooked me up with this shit!! When I watched her play the game... WOW She really is one of the baddest chicks I have ever met! By baddest, I mean as a derby girl. . . She has this way, she is perfectly focused, aggressive, and graceful on her skates. With a wicked personality to boot! I felt like that before I even knew what was going on in the game, and I still feel that way now that I (kinda) know what's going on in the game.
The second person I met was Unchained Malady. She was the first girl to talk to me when I went to Fresh Meat that very first Monday. That in itself will always hold a special place in my heart (sorry, mushy I know). Like the other league skaters I've met, she glides effortlessly on her skates, aware and ready to take on any challenge thrown her way. At the first two practices she went out of her way to make sure I knew what I was doing. She came to me several times just to see if I was feeling comfortable or had any questions. Thanks Malady!!
Then I met Twisted Throttle! From what I heard she is the warm-up/cool down/exercise/stretching guru! I was kinda confused about how to stretch the parts of my body that were starting to hurt after only about 5 minutes of skating ( the fronts of my legs were killing me). She showed me how to stretch all that out and be ready to go around the track a few dozen more times. I was also pleased to see a very experienced skater built somewhat like me, only taller (since I was afraid I wasn't big enough to be in roller derby). And when I saw her skate... wow! I was so jealous of her abilities, I wanted to be like that... right now! HAHA I kind of wanted to be her for a minute.
The next week there were different coaches there. One of them was Lacee Long Stalkin'. Right away Lacee saw something in me. I'm not sure if she saw this in many other girls. She kept pushing me to keep skating and skate the right way. As I was rounding the track she would skate up to me and give me several words of wisdom... things to work on.. things that would suit me as a skater. And every time I turned around there she was, pushing me. She's a natural leader which makes her a fantastic coach!! As like the other experienced girls I was flabbergasted at how easy she make everything look, the skating, and the stopping (stopping is hard). She cruises the track without incident, without a flaw.
The last girl to make an impression on me so far was Lady Lady Laceration! Right away she reminded me of a drill Sargent, or a general(in a good way of course!) Another natural born leader in my eyes. Not only did she tell all of us new skaters what to do, but she made sure she showed us how to do it, in slow motion. Kinda like a step-by-step instruction booklet! (that's pretty hard to do on skates by the way) She has the best way of showing rookie skaters like me the very best way to do anything derby related. I was practicing my crossovers (I'm still pretty bad at them) and she noticed I was struggling a little... Right away she came to me and asked, "Are you trying to do crossovers?" She showed me how to do them properly in her special slow-mo way. I had no idea I was doing it so wrong. The new way will be much easier once I can get it! Thanks Lady!! You really helped me out.
I have yet to meet many of the awesome skaters that belong to the RDRDA, but something tells me I'm gonna like them all!
What's In A Name?
The hardest thing about this so far is something that at first seemed it would be the easiest... Choosing a derby name! I haven't felt like that since I named my children. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how hard it was going to be. I would think of, *(what I thought was)* the perfect name. Then in no time at all I'd come across something that made me change my mind. I threw around about 40 different names before I decided on the name I chose. I really wanted to find something that went with my look or personality... not just some generic name that means nothing to me. I figured, I have the chance to become anyone I want to be. It was kind of like creating an alter ego!
I was on a roll coming up with really cool names, (Bones, Tiny Terror, Bones McPhee, Trina Torium, and Boney Mahoney were some of the ones I liked) then I found out I have to make sure my name isn't taken. I was told to check the master roster to make sure I wasn't choosing a name that was already taken. Did you know there are a little over 30,000 registered derby names worldwide?? Me neither. So, then I was back to square one! As I looked through the enormous list of names I was extremely overwhelmed and suddenly felt like all the good ones were taken! (And some really bad ones). Here's a few examples of the ones that are already taken that I would have liked... Bone Saw, Bonecrusher, Bones, Bones McGee, Boney Maroney, Tiny Terror, Tiny Temper, Tiny Tornado, and Trina Trioxin. Here's a few that I think are completely ridiculous (Although they must have had a good reason for picking them)... Slappa Ho, Burnt Toast, 210 Funsize Phoenix, Pris Toff, Aunt Flo, 19-Skatey-Four, Cheeseburger, Ally in WonderSCREAM, SLE-Zpass, Bot Bot Bot, and Anal Tex. And here are some I think are really clever...Hurricane Skatrina, 1/2 Pint Havoc, Johnny Crash, 10 Guage Rage, Ida Tripter, 13th Floor Hellevator, 2 Faced, 5ft Hurricane, Saya Prayers, Addy Tude, Val Catraz, Amazing Disgrace, Strawberry Short Sk8, Maiden Alberta, Syko Path, also our awesome Red Deer girls... Fatal Fantasy, Hollywood Homicide, Lacee Long Stalkin, Lady Laceration, Twisted Throttle, and Unchained Malady, (who don't seem to be registered?)
So, after much consideration of the names I already liked, and not trying to have one too similar to the already registered names I had finally come up with one that I thought suited me perfectly! SERIOUS LEE! I guess they will all just call me Serious.
I was on a roll coming up with really cool names, (Bones, Tiny Terror, Bones McPhee, Trina Torium, and Boney Mahoney were some of the ones I liked) then I found out I have to make sure my name isn't taken. I was told to check the master roster to make sure I wasn't choosing a name that was already taken. Did you know there are a little over 30,000 registered derby names worldwide?? Me neither. So, then I was back to square one! As I looked through the enormous list of names I was extremely overwhelmed and suddenly felt like all the good ones were taken! (And some really bad ones). Here's a few examples of the ones that are already taken that I would have liked... Bone Saw, Bonecrusher, Bones, Bones McGee, Boney Maroney, Tiny Terror, Tiny Temper, Tiny Tornado, and Trina Trioxin. Here's a few that I think are completely ridiculous (Although they must have had a good reason for picking them)... Slappa Ho, Burnt Toast, 210 Funsize Phoenix, Pris Toff, Aunt Flo, 19-Skatey-Four, Cheeseburger, Ally in WonderSCREAM, SLE-Zpass, Bot Bot Bot, and Anal Tex. And here are some I think are really clever...Hurricane Skatrina, 1/2 Pint Havoc, Johnny Crash, 10 Guage Rage, Ida Tripter, 13th Floor Hellevator, 2 Faced, 5ft Hurricane, Saya Prayers, Addy Tude, Val Catraz, Amazing Disgrace, Strawberry Short Sk8, Maiden Alberta, Syko Path, also our awesome Red Deer girls... Fatal Fantasy, Hollywood Homicide, Lacee Long Stalkin, Lady Laceration, Twisted Throttle, and Unchained Malady, (who don't seem to be registered?)
So, after much consideration of the names I already liked, and not trying to have one too similar to the already registered names I had finally come up with one that I thought suited me perfectly! SERIOUS LEE! I guess they will all just call me Serious.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Derby Brain!!
OK!! I had my first experience with the Red Deer Roller Derby Association now for exactly Two weeks, one day, and Eight-teen hours. That's counting from the day (hour) I watched my first scrimmage. In this time I have probably mentioned derby about Three-hundred times on facebook, bored my friends so much they are already asking me to talk about something different, and spend most of my free (and not free) time either blogging about derby, scouring the city for gear, or roller skating! I literally think about it at least every 5 minutes no matter what I am doing... working, playing with the kids, hanging with friends, sleeping, showering, having sex... all while thinking about derby!! Does this ever go away? I've heard not. I read a lot of other blogs about derby because I'd really like to learn as much as I can as fast as I can, and from what I can tell... derby takes over all our lives. I like my friend Malady's post called Derby Diffusion.
I am already budgeting around derby, trying to figure out all the costs for everything. I'm a little short, so I'm finding ways to make it work. Basically I am willing to re-arrange everything in my life to make derby affordable and convenient. I don't think I have ever been more dedicated to anything in my entire life (other than my kids of course)!
I'm sure it's obvious with the amount I have posted since I started this blog TWO days ago!! oops... Derby isn't just taking over my life, it already has!
I am already budgeting around derby, trying to figure out all the costs for everything. I'm a little short, so I'm finding ways to make it work. Basically I am willing to re-arrange everything in my life to make derby affordable and convenient. I don't think I have ever been more dedicated to anything in my entire life (other than my kids of course)!
I'm sure it's obvious with the amount I have posted since I started this blog TWO days ago!! oops... Derby isn't just taking over my life, it already has!
Learning The Game
So far the closest I have got to seeing a real game was a scrimmage. It was the first time I had ever seen derby... live anyway. Up close and personal. I really just wanted to see if it was something I was interested in doing it... little did I know I would want to strap on a pair of skates right then and there!! I sat there the whole scrimmage dying to get out and skate the track like those ladies (and a few gents) were!! I realized I couldn't just get up and in there, but man I was fighting my "I want it now" attitude that Tuesday night! When I think back to what I felt when they first started the scrimmage it really makes me laugh out loud! I had no idea what was going on. All I could see was that 90% of them were skating real slow and in some kind of pack, and the others were skating faster around the track and wearing funny looking hats over their helmets! They were getting points somehow, but it wasn't until about an hour into the scrimmage that I even kinda figured out what was going on. I do have a video and a few pics, but I can't seem to get them off my phone or camera! As soon as I figure it out I'll have pics and videos to put on here as well!
What I learned: The pack are the blockers and they are trying to keep the jammer (the one going faster with the funny hat) from getting points by passing the members of the other team legally. So in one hour with a little bit of an explanation from the girl who invited me there (Mortu Mary, who is one of the baddest chicks I've ever met!), I did catch on and it was much more exciting. But honestly... it was almost as much fun watching when I didn't know all that.
I am soooo excited for the game on Saturday. I am going to have my first experience with a real game! I don't get to be in the game yet.. but I have offered to help so I can keep learning. I have read the rules and know what I have to do to benchmark, but I'm still pretty confused about how an actual game works. I feel that's an important think to know before I get into one! I have no idea what I will even be doing, nut I'm a smart girl... I know I can be helpful, even if I end up being the water girl or something like that. At least I will be down on the floor watching and learning!
What I learned: The pack are the blockers and they are trying to keep the jammer (the one going faster with the funny hat) from getting points by passing the members of the other team legally. So in one hour with a little bit of an explanation from the girl who invited me there (Mortu Mary, who is one of the baddest chicks I've ever met!), I did catch on and it was much more exciting. But honestly... it was almost as much fun watching when I didn't know all that.
I am soooo excited for the game on Saturday. I am going to have my first experience with a real game! I don't get to be in the game yet.. but I have offered to help so I can keep learning. I have read the rules and know what I have to do to benchmark, but I'm still pretty confused about how an actual game works. I feel that's an important think to know before I get into one! I have no idea what I will even be doing, nut I'm a smart girl... I know I can be helpful, even if I end up being the water girl or something like that. At least I will be down on the floor watching and learning!
No Pain, No Gain!
Well, it's Thursday... three days after practice... I am still pretty sore. I know once my body gets used to doing what it's doing it won't be so bad. Yesterday was the worst for some reason. I felt like I had been hit by a truck! I could only turn my head so far to the right, I felt the burn in my arms every time I lifted them up, I started feeling the big bruise on my left hip pretty good, and it killed my legs to walk up and down stairs! I wonder if I'm pushing myself too hard right off the get go. Maybe I should be easing into this thing a little more. No. I don't think that's the problem. The problem is I am extremely out of shape! I'm not injured in any way, just sore from using muscles my body didn't know I had.
When I was in my pain group we learned a lot about muscles... What makes them sore, what makes them weak, and what makes them strong. If you don't use muscles they actually go dormant. If you use your muscles, they will recruit dormant muscles and make them active to support the activity you are doing. My exercise coach has arthritis in her knees really bad, and day after day, here she is, squatting, walking running. Her philosophy is that the more she strengthens the muscles in her knees, the more they will be able to support her arthritic bones and joints. Hmmm ... I thought it made sense anyway! If I do it right, I'll have all kinds of muscle to support the rest of my aging body! Fitness is the word. I have to get fit again! I'm sure when I do it won't hurt anymore.
These are all the reasons why I must keep this up, full speed ahead. The more I work the faster my body will adjust. I'm so sorry body, I don't want to hurt you! Remember the saying "no pain, no gain"? That's my truth right now and I'm okay with it. Well, actually, I'm not just okay with it, I'm excited about it. Even though it may seem I am complaining or whining about it, I am not at all. Just simply saying how it is. I'm excited about getting fit and in shape again like I was before I had my kids. Even if that means enduring a little pain along the way! I am not afraid. I am embracing this wicked, wacky, and wild world of roller derby. Embracing the pain, the pleasure, and the people. I really am in love!
When I was in my pain group we learned a lot about muscles... What makes them sore, what makes them weak, and what makes them strong. If you don't use muscles they actually go dormant. If you use your muscles, they will recruit dormant muscles and make them active to support the activity you are doing. My exercise coach has arthritis in her knees really bad, and day after day, here she is, squatting, walking running. Her philosophy is that the more she strengthens the muscles in her knees, the more they will be able to support her arthritic bones and joints. Hmmm ... I thought it made sense anyway! If I do it right, I'll have all kinds of muscle to support the rest of my aging body! Fitness is the word. I have to get fit again! I'm sure when I do it won't hurt anymore.
These are all the reasons why I must keep this up, full speed ahead. The more I work the faster my body will adjust. I'm so sorry body, I don't want to hurt you! Remember the saying "no pain, no gain"? That's my truth right now and I'm okay with it. Well, actually, I'm not just okay with it, I'm excited about it. Even though it may seem I am complaining or whining about it, I am not at all. Just simply saying how it is. I'm excited about getting fit and in shape again like I was before I had my kids. Even if that means enduring a little pain along the way! I am not afraid. I am embracing this wicked, wacky, and wild world of roller derby. Embracing the pain, the pleasure, and the people. I really am in love!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Waiting Is Really Hard!
One thing I am really not good at is being patient. Sometimes I feel like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... "I want it now!" not only do I always seem to want it now, but I also want it a certain way! I'm kind of a perfectionist and a little OCD, so I tend to get a little more annoyed when I don't get my way than I should. I'm working on that.
I want my own skates... right now! I want them to be all black with maybe a little grey pinstripe or something. I want them to be new, real leather (so they last longer) and I don't want to order them online because... well... I want them now!
I want to be able to go practice any time I want. I hate waiting for Monday... Now I hear there will be no fresh meat practice for all of Sept! Am I going to forget everything I learned in the past two weeks after a month? Probably not. It's just that I just started! It's just my luck. I hear there are a few good outdoor tracks in Red Deer though. As soon as I get my own skates I can and will go skating anytime I want! I can't wait!!
I love fresh meat Monday's, I see the need to learn everything properly before I get into the game with the experienced girls. But, seriously, I can't wait to join the Nightshades! I can't wait to be part of a team. I can't wait to register my name and number (Serious Lee #33), it will feel more real once I can have all of this. I really do want it all right now!!
I want my own skates... right now! I want them to be all black with maybe a little grey pinstripe or something. I want them to be new, real leather (so they last longer) and I don't want to order them online because... well... I want them now!
I want to be able to go practice any time I want. I hate waiting for Monday... Now I hear there will be no fresh meat practice for all of Sept! Am I going to forget everything I learned in the past two weeks after a month? Probably not. It's just that I just started! It's just my luck. I hear there are a few good outdoor tracks in Red Deer though. As soon as I get my own skates I can and will go skating anytime I want! I can't wait!!
I love fresh meat Monday's, I see the need to learn everything properly before I get into the game with the experienced girls. But, seriously, I can't wait to join the Nightshades! I can't wait to be part of a team. I can't wait to register my name and number (Serious Lee #33), it will feel more real once I can have all of this. I really do want it all right now!!
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
After Shocks
I just found out how much roller skates cost... It really hurt! I t looks like it's gonna cost me between $90.00 and $170.00. I'm sure I can get a new spare tire for that (something I have been putting off because I can't spend the money). The reality of it is that I want a pair of roller skates more than I want a new spare tire. I'm sure I have enough friends that if I needed a tire or a tow i could get one. Hmmm... Is it possible to like derby too much?? Nope! I'm getting those skates! Even if I have to organize a fundraiser! I don't just want the skates... I need the skates! Otherwise I can get all the pads I need for about $25.00. I'm okay with that. Helmet and mouth guard were about $30.00 together. One thing I didn't expect... the cost. This is all the gear I have so far.
Every once in a while I look around at practice and think "what the fuck am I doing? These girls are wicked skaters with some serious skills!" Then there I am with my cheap helmet, old wrist guards, and a mouth guard I can't wear because it hurts (I've since learned you can get ones that mold to your mouth). I am grateful to be able to use their gear when I go, but those skates are so old that I'm sure It would improve my skills if I had new ones. All the coaches from both the RDRDA teams (even if they have only skated for a year) have been 100% willing to help, answer any questions, and display proper skating skills like a step-by-step video. Not only that, they skate like the wind... focused, controlled, and with purpose. I figure if they can do it, I can do it.
Another thing I overlooked a little was how shocked my body was going to be! i knew I was gonna be sore and all, but I never expected to feel quite the way I'm feeling. I have to say, it's nothing like I've ever felt before! I had no idea I had so many muscles in the front of my legs that I never use otherwise. I felt that within the first 5 minutes of being on my skates! Oh... I hate squats... I thought that was pretty ironic... that's all we do for two hours is squat!! Well I guess I'll have to learn to like it. I love how 48 hours after practice it hurts the most. I have learned to laugh about that already, maybe because I'm used to pain? Although the pain in my hip (right where your leg bends in the front) I will never get used to. Every once in a while I move my wrist the wrong way (lesson learned) and the big ass bruise on my left hip is a little more sore than I'd like it to be.
All this being said... I didn't once ask myself "is it worth it?" But if I did, the answer would be "yes!". Getting a two hour workout once a week, skating on my own time, helping with the games (for now), watching (soon to be playing) games and scrimmages, being part of a team, and meeting a group of... from what I can see... talented, energetic, caring, fun, and all around great girls that I can see being my friends. Ya, I'd say it's all worth it.
Every once in a while I look around at practice and think "what the fuck am I doing? These girls are wicked skaters with some serious skills!" Then there I am with my cheap helmet, old wrist guards, and a mouth guard I can't wear because it hurts (I've since learned you can get ones that mold to your mouth). I am grateful to be able to use their gear when I go, but those skates are so old that I'm sure It would improve my skills if I had new ones. All the coaches from both the RDRDA teams (even if they have only skated for a year) have been 100% willing to help, answer any questions, and display proper skating skills like a step-by-step video. Not only that, they skate like the wind... focused, controlled, and with purpose. I figure if they can do it, I can do it.
Another thing I overlooked a little was how shocked my body was going to be! i knew I was gonna be sore and all, but I never expected to feel quite the way I'm feeling. I have to say, it's nothing like I've ever felt before! I had no idea I had so many muscles in the front of my legs that I never use otherwise. I felt that within the first 5 minutes of being on my skates! Oh... I hate squats... I thought that was pretty ironic... that's all we do for two hours is squat!! Well I guess I'll have to learn to like it. I love how 48 hours after practice it hurts the most. I have learned to laugh about that already, maybe because I'm used to pain? Although the pain in my hip (right where your leg bends in the front) I will never get used to. Every once in a while I move my wrist the wrong way (lesson learned) and the big ass bruise on my left hip is a little more sore than I'd like it to be.
All this being said... I didn't once ask myself "is it worth it?" But if I did, the answer would be "yes!". Getting a two hour workout once a week, skating on my own time, helping with the games (for now), watching (soon to be playing) games and scrimmages, being part of a team, and meeting a group of... from what I can see... talented, energetic, caring, fun, and all around great girls that I can see being my friends. Ya, I'd say it's all worth it.
Practice ~Sigh~ I think I'm In Love!
The first time I put on a pair of roller skates, I knew right away that I was kind of a natural. While my friends were getting bruises on their hips and pulling leg and groin muscles while they learned, I seemed to glide flawlessly along the eight wheels that were supporting me. Although I obviously noticed my talent I never really put much thought into it. . . until now!
When I strapped a pair of skates back on, after a 22 year break, I was expecting to be shaky, unstable, and awkward. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that wasn't the case at all. I guess it is just like riding a bike! I certainly had a few falls the first couple times back on skates, oddly enough most of them seem to happen when I'm just standing around, but for the most part I found myself feeling confident in my gear (Even though I'm sure my pads were on backwards and upside down for the first hour of the first practice), something I definitely wasn't expecting.
I had no problem just skating at first and was pretty content with that, but roller derby isn't just skating I'm finding out. It's so much more. The first 8 sentences that came out of the coaches mouth were like another language to me... toe stop, tee stop, knee drop, jammer start, plow stop, hockey stop, crossover?? All of the sudden I felt like I was on another planet. In a way I still do. Roller Derby is several things, easy is not one of them!
In the first two practices I have managed to learn the meaning to all the foreign words I had heard and realized I must get my own gear. The stench of the girls before me on my pads was a bit more than I wanted to be able to handle... week two I brought my own wrist guards, that strangely enough I already owned due to a chronic pain issue, but they smelled way better! Next... elbow pads, knee pads and skates! I can't possibly learn properly with the skates they have there. I am thankful and appreciative they are there, don't get me wrong, but my own gear would help. How much is that gonna cost?
I want to take a minute to tell all the people who think I'm crazy and just gonna get hurt to fuck right off! As i just mentioned I have chronic pain. It's pretty manageable most of the time, I just feel pain differently than most people I think. My nerves are so damaged that I have pain that will probably never go away in my hands, arms, shoulders, hips, and legs. Believe it or not derby has actually helped already. Between the stretching we do, the flexibility I am gaining, and building the muscle to support all my painful areas, there is no doubt in my mind that derby is going to help with my pain, not cause it or make it worse. And by the way... chronic pain doesn't equal fragile! I am anything but fragile. I have seen how tall and solid the other girls are and I am not afraid! Not only am I not afraid, I'm really confident that if I do it right I may even have a slight advantage over the bigger girls who may not be as agile as us little girls. Okay, maybe I'm a little delusional, but I can dream can't I?
I have a few bruises already... two on my left hip and two on my left hand(One from this week and one from last week, I fell the same way) and all the muscles I never knew I had are yelling at me saying "stop!", But I'm not gonna! In addition to this being the best workout I have ever had, It is also the most fun I have ever had. Who knew?
Roller derby practice, after only two weeks, has become the new love of my life. The coaches are all really excited about me and see my potential. It makes me feel like I could be a part of something bigger, and be a valuable asset to my team. Who doesn't like to feel like they are needed, wanted, and important!
When I strapped a pair of skates back on, after a 22 year break, I was expecting to be shaky, unstable, and awkward. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that wasn't the case at all. I guess it is just like riding a bike! I certainly had a few falls the first couple times back on skates, oddly enough most of them seem to happen when I'm just standing around, but for the most part I found myself feeling confident in my gear (Even though I'm sure my pads were on backwards and upside down for the first hour of the first practice), something I definitely wasn't expecting.
I had no problem just skating at first and was pretty content with that, but roller derby isn't just skating I'm finding out. It's so much more. The first 8 sentences that came out of the coaches mouth were like another language to me... toe stop, tee stop, knee drop, jammer start, plow stop, hockey stop, crossover?? All of the sudden I felt like I was on another planet. In a way I still do. Roller Derby is several things, easy is not one of them!
In the first two practices I have managed to learn the meaning to all the foreign words I had heard and realized I must get my own gear. The stench of the girls before me on my pads was a bit more than I wanted to be able to handle... week two I brought my own wrist guards, that strangely enough I already owned due to a chronic pain issue, but they smelled way better! Next... elbow pads, knee pads and skates! I can't possibly learn properly with the skates they have there. I am thankful and appreciative they are there, don't get me wrong, but my own gear would help. How much is that gonna cost?
I want to take a minute to tell all the people who think I'm crazy and just gonna get hurt to fuck right off! As i just mentioned I have chronic pain. It's pretty manageable most of the time, I just feel pain differently than most people I think. My nerves are so damaged that I have pain that will probably never go away in my hands, arms, shoulders, hips, and legs. Believe it or not derby has actually helped already. Between the stretching we do, the flexibility I am gaining, and building the muscle to support all my painful areas, there is no doubt in my mind that derby is going to help with my pain, not cause it or make it worse. And by the way... chronic pain doesn't equal fragile! I am anything but fragile. I have seen how tall and solid the other girls are and I am not afraid! Not only am I not afraid, I'm really confident that if I do it right I may even have a slight advantage over the bigger girls who may not be as agile as us little girls. Okay, maybe I'm a little delusional, but I can dream can't I?
I have a few bruises already... two on my left hip and two on my left hand(One from this week and one from last week, I fell the same way) and all the muscles I never knew I had are yelling at me saying "stop!", But I'm not gonna! In addition to this being the best workout I have ever had, It is also the most fun I have ever had. Who knew?
Roller derby practice, after only two weeks, has become the new love of my life. The coaches are all really excited about me and see my potential. It makes me feel like I could be a part of something bigger, and be a valuable asset to my team. Who doesn't like to feel like they are needed, wanted, and important!
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