Information night was a complete success. Thank you to everyone involved for putting it together. great job, AS ALWAYS! There were 20 ladies signed up for regular freshmeat classes by the end of the night. Roller derby is BOOMING! It's so exciting! Now, if we could get the spectator interest in line (that's another post altogether), the rest would fall into place. Pretty soon roller derby is going to be as mainstream as hockey.
For any of you following my blog, you may have read about my battle with choosing derby clothing. Well... I think you will all get a good laugh knowing that I was the one wearing the bootie shorts tonight... and I loved every second of it! I'm starting to feel pretty comfortable in my 'fancy' derby wear. The choice of clothing for a free skate ranged from jeans, to shorts, to yoga pants, to tights and skirts, to bootie shorts. I felt good knowing I contributed a little to showing the freshies what happens to you in a few months if you want it bad enough. Yes, the outfit has a lot to do with the transformation.
I really want to say thank you to Unchained Malady for helping sort through everything derby! I love you lots! Next I gotta get me a derby wife! Goodbye Freshmeat.. Hello Nightshades!
Follow me as I explore the world of Roller Derby! I'm brand new at it and am learning something new every day.
About Me

- Serious Lee
- Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
- I am a mother of three great kids. I am naturally passionate, artistic, athletic, and articulate. Every experience in my life has led to me being the person I am... which I am usually very proud of.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Monday, 24 October 2011
Skate And Destroy Indeed!
I passed my benchmarks!! I still have to write the test... but I know I can do it. At first I was nervous when the time came to display my skills, while someone was watching my every move, but after I got going I just focused and the nerves went away. I messed up a few times, but all in all I felt really good about what I was accomplishing when it counted. I also made 26 and a half laps! I only needed 25, so I was really proud of myself. I had a killer cramp in my left hip for the last half of my laps, but I pushed through it and did what I set out to do. Yay me!
Passing my benchmarks allowed me to play in my first rookie bout ever! I thought I was nervous for benchmarking.... not even close to how nervous I was for my first game... especially my first jam. I was still a bit unsure of all the rules. I had a hard time remembering everything I had learned and read when I was out there in the middle of the action. The skating part was no problem... the game play was the tough part. Knowing about strategy and the rules is really important in this game. I'm sorry team, all the information I had flew out of my head when the whistle blew. I got 4 penalties! I'm not even sure what some of them were for. The first one was a false start and the last one was for cutting the track. I'll do better next time.
Luckily, the other jammers on my team were exceptional for rookies. We also had some really great blockers to boss us around. And the coaches, Razor and Hollywood, were fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better coaches. Props ladies!! So, my team won our game. Anybody remember what the score was?
I learned a lot about myself during that game. I learned that I may not be the awesome jammer I thought I was going to be. I'm not saying i can't be a jammer, I'm definitely going to keep working on it, but in the meantime, I think I'll make a fine blocker. I even landed a few solid hits while blocking. Yes, I really did. i also received a few solid hits as a jammer. I also seem to be pretty good at being aware of whats going on all around me. I surprised myself a little with that. it's funny how sometimes you misjudge yourself.
Yes, it hurt, and yes, I have bruises. Other than the pain when I lay on my left hip from my huge bruise and the fact that my my thighs hurt like you wouldn't believe... I feel great! I wouldn't change any of it!
I have to throw a big shout out to the team from RDRDA and other helpers who made Operation Skate And Destroy a major success! You guys were all great. I just tried to list all the people who I know made this boot camp so awesome, but there is no way I can. Almost everyone involved with RDRDA helped out in one way or another. I'm so proud to say that I belong to such an awesome team!
Skate And Destroy Boot camp - Oct 22 and 23, 2011. My first bout!
Passing my benchmarks allowed me to play in my first rookie bout ever! I thought I was nervous for benchmarking.... not even close to how nervous I was for my first game... especially my first jam. I was still a bit unsure of all the rules. I had a hard time remembering everything I had learned and read when I was out there in the middle of the action. The skating part was no problem... the game play was the tough part. Knowing about strategy and the rules is really important in this game. I'm sorry team, all the information I had flew out of my head when the whistle blew. I got 4 penalties! I'm not even sure what some of them were for. The first one was a false start and the last one was for cutting the track. I'll do better next time.
Luckily, the other jammers on my team were exceptional for rookies. We also had some really great blockers to boss us around. And the coaches, Razor and Hollywood, were fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better coaches. Props ladies!! So, my team won our game. Anybody remember what the score was?
I learned a lot about myself during that game. I learned that I may not be the awesome jammer I thought I was going to be. I'm not saying i can't be a jammer, I'm definitely going to keep working on it, but in the meantime, I think I'll make a fine blocker. I even landed a few solid hits while blocking. Yes, I really did. i also received a few solid hits as a jammer. I also seem to be pretty good at being aware of whats going on all around me. I surprised myself a little with that. it's funny how sometimes you misjudge yourself.
Yes, it hurt, and yes, I have bruises. Other than the pain when I lay on my left hip from my huge bruise and the fact that my my thighs hurt like you wouldn't believe... I feel great! I wouldn't change any of it!
I have to throw a big shout out to the team from RDRDA and other helpers who made Operation Skate And Destroy a major success! You guys were all great. I just tried to list all the people who I know made this boot camp so awesome, but there is no way I can. Almost everyone involved with RDRDA helped out in one way or another. I'm so proud to say that I belong to such an awesome team!
Skate And Destroy Boot camp - Oct 22 and 23, 2011. My first bout!
Friday, 21 October 2011
I Almost Went Crazy Until I Focused! After All, I Am Serious!
I have learned that penalty and penalty enforcement has a lot of confusing stipulations...I'm not hopeless about understanding, It's just taking a lot more effort than I have time for...
Blogging is a lot easier than studying at work... I really do still do my job (really well too). The more I read the more I remember and understand, but, WOWEE!!! I'm very overwhelmed right now about this test in two days... Two days that I am either working or dedicating to skating, or helping set up, or taking care of my children... Luckily I have wonderful people in my life who are able and willing to babysit (kinda) my kids for free. I owe them a lot when I get my shit together!!
I asked myself when will I have time for this? . . . Well, i can study a bit at work, but it's hard for me to really soak in the information with so many distractions. I can study between work and derby for the next two days. I can study after derby if I'm not too tired. I can study while I have downtime at the boot camp on Saturday. I can also study Sunday morning right before the test. . . . Is that going to be enough time to learn what I need to learn to pass the test (80% is a passing mark, and 43 pages to read all together) Last night I decided that instead of trying to keep studying longer tonight, I'd get up a little earlier than usual and get an hour or so of studying in before work.
So, back to memorizing the difference between major, minor, etc and what all the penalties are. Skimming through the pages of important information, I panicked... almost lost my senses, but i didn't. Instead I I was monotonously reading, I began to make a little more sense out of every sentence I read. I think that was the only thing keeping me motivated to stay focused. Luckily it's not as much memorization as it seemed to be. A lot of it is just common sense. If you get the point of the rules being in place, it's not hard to rationalize to get the right answer. There are only a few sections of penalties that i have to re read because they don't make enough sense.
I feel pretty confident, for now, that it was a good idea. i feel like I actually learned a lot. Now I feel able to manage the task at hand, without any doubt. I'm holding myself to those words too. I don't think I've ever wanted something so bad that just good enough is not an option. I'm gonna kick the shit out of everything I am asked to do. I'm pretty sure that if i just keep reading and re reading everything I don't understand... I will do great! Yes, not just good, or I will pass, I will do great!
Blogging is a lot easier than studying at work... I really do still do my job (really well too). The more I read the more I remember and understand, but, WOWEE!!! I'm very overwhelmed right now about this test in two days... Two days that I am either working or dedicating to skating, or helping set up, or taking care of my children... Luckily I have wonderful people in my life who are able and willing to babysit (kinda) my kids for free. I owe them a lot when I get my shit together!!
I asked myself when will I have time for this? . . . Well, i can study a bit at work, but it's hard for me to really soak in the information with so many distractions. I can study between work and derby for the next two days. I can study after derby if I'm not too tired. I can study while I have downtime at the boot camp on Saturday. I can also study Sunday morning right before the test. . . . Is that going to be enough time to learn what I need to learn to pass the test (80% is a passing mark, and 43 pages to read all together) Last night I decided that instead of trying to keep studying longer tonight, I'd get up a little earlier than usual and get an hour or so of studying in before work.
So, back to memorizing the difference between major, minor, etc and what all the penalties are. Skimming through the pages of important information, I panicked... almost lost my senses, but i didn't. Instead I I was monotonously reading, I began to make a little more sense out of every sentence I read. I think that was the only thing keeping me motivated to stay focused. Luckily it's not as much memorization as it seemed to be. A lot of it is just common sense. If you get the point of the rules being in place, it's not hard to rationalize to get the right answer. There are only a few sections of penalties that i have to re read because they don't make enough sense.
I feel pretty confident, for now, that it was a good idea. i feel like I actually learned a lot. Now I feel able to manage the task at hand, without any doubt. I'm holding myself to those words too. I don't think I've ever wanted something so bad that just good enough is not an option. I'm gonna kick the shit out of everything I am asked to do. I'm pretty sure that if i just keep reading and re reading everything I don't understand... I will do great! Yes, not just good, or I will pass, I will do great!
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Props To Freshmeat!
Well, what can I say? Between the awesome coaches and all the determined brand new roller skaters, I'm flabbergasted, to say the least, at the quality of both! Let me say first, roller skating is really hard! There are definitely people that are natural skaters, and people that have to work really hard to do what they do, just like any other sport or talent. Now, having said that, natural skaters work just as hard, but can often advance faster than someone who feels awkward on their skates. personally, I feel like I'm a natural skater... I can tell if someone is natural or not (I think because I was a dancer and it's kind of the same way), It's all in the confidence. It takes a lot longer to build if you have to work harder to be at the same level as the natural skaters. I LOVE that skaters that have to work really hard to do what they do keep doing it! I LOVE that those people prove that if you want something bad enough, you can do it, even if you aren't the best starting off.
I've been meaning to do this for a while. I want to give props to all the freshmeat skaters I've skated with. Every single one of them that regularly come to practice are determined, dedicated, and focused on getting better, and in the coaches case, creating ready, fit, and dedicated skaters. Just to list few (Sorry if I miss anyone) Ali, Andy Anarchy (Amanda), Scourge Her (Trina), Teri Fying, Arlene, Rags, Torture Chamber (Lisa), Angela, Kaustic, Linzifer, Fiver, Unchained Malady, Lacee Longstalkin, Twisted, Fatal, Nomad, Cakes, Pappa Razzo, Ginger, The Jester, Lexisonfire, Lady Laceration, Vitamin B, and Taz. I also want to mention the girls I've only skated with a few times (I hope they come back), Michelle, Donna, Christina, and Wody (Mama).
I have nothing but good things to say about every single one of the people listed above. hopefully it stays that way as I spend more time with them. I've had an excellent experience in Freshmeat. Excellent coaches, excellent skate mates, excellent exercise, excellent learning experience, and an excellent growing experience.
I'm getting closer to joining team practices, although, if I can ever go to freshmeat after I benchmark on Sunday, I'm going to go. I'd like to go to keep perfecting my basic skills, and be a good example to new skaters at the things I really excel at. I truly believe that I can be a great mentor to future freshmeat to come. I am finally taking my final steps toward becoming an official RDRDA skater. It's very exciting.... I've been waiting since August!
In addition to the original topic, I have been to two freshmeat friendly league practices now, and I learned new and different things that freshmeat practices... more about the actual game. It's very important to go to freshmeat and learn hoe to skate properly for as long as it takes, but once anyone perfects their basic skating skills, I suggest everyone go to a few league practices before attempting to benchmark. I learned an amazing amount about the rules, game play, and strategy... also I got the opportunity to perfect skills that are a bit more advanced, like jumping, blocking, laterals, 360's, whips, and snaking. Those are the ones for me, that I'm really glad I got the chance to get more in depth practice on. After going to just two league practices I'm 100% sure that I can benchmark this Sunday. Thanks to Lip Lash and Razor Recked It for heading up those two practices. They were both awesome. And thanks to Hej Clip Her, Malady, and DM for helping us freshies.
I've been meaning to do this for a while. I want to give props to all the freshmeat skaters I've skated with. Every single one of them that regularly come to practice are determined, dedicated, and focused on getting better, and in the coaches case, creating ready, fit, and dedicated skaters. Just to list few (Sorry if I miss anyone) Ali, Andy Anarchy (Amanda), Scourge Her (Trina), Teri Fying, Arlene, Rags, Torture Chamber (Lisa), Angela, Kaustic, Linzifer, Fiver, Unchained Malady, Lacee Longstalkin, Twisted, Fatal, Nomad, Cakes, Pappa Razzo, Ginger, The Jester, Lexisonfire, Lady Laceration, Vitamin B, and Taz. I also want to mention the girls I've only skated with a few times (I hope they come back), Michelle, Donna, Christina, and Wody (Mama).
I have nothing but good things to say about every single one of the people listed above. hopefully it stays that way as I spend more time with them. I've had an excellent experience in Freshmeat. Excellent coaches, excellent skate mates, excellent exercise, excellent learning experience, and an excellent growing experience.
I'm getting closer to joining team practices, although, if I can ever go to freshmeat after I benchmark on Sunday, I'm going to go. I'd like to go to keep perfecting my basic skills, and be a good example to new skaters at the things I really excel at. I truly believe that I can be a great mentor to future freshmeat to come. I am finally taking my final steps toward becoming an official RDRDA skater. It's very exciting.... I've been waiting since August!
In addition to the original topic, I have been to two freshmeat friendly league practices now, and I learned new and different things that freshmeat practices... more about the actual game. It's very important to go to freshmeat and learn hoe to skate properly for as long as it takes, but once anyone perfects their basic skating skills, I suggest everyone go to a few league practices before attempting to benchmark. I learned an amazing amount about the rules, game play, and strategy... also I got the opportunity to perfect skills that are a bit more advanced, like jumping, blocking, laterals, 360's, whips, and snaking. Those are the ones for me, that I'm really glad I got the chance to get more in depth practice on. After going to just two league practices I'm 100% sure that I can benchmark this Sunday. Thanks to Lip Lash and Razor Recked It for heading up those two practices. They were both awesome. And thanks to Hej Clip Her, Malady, and DM for helping us freshies.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Catching Up
I know I haven't posted for a long time. Unfortunately, a series of events that were beyond my control temporarily took over my life... I'm back, sort of... I'm trying to be at least! I have had a few things happen in the last few days, pushing me to force myself to write this post. I actually have many things to share, just not the time to get it out! One of my biggest downfalls is that I LOVE to share. Yes, I said downfalls... how do you figure that? you ask. Well, I am constantly sharing stories, feelings, and things that maybe not everyone wants to hear. The great thing about a blog... if you don't want to hear me share, don't read. Simple! So, needless to say, I think I'm driving everyone crazy with my "I'm talking/complaining your ear off" kind of sharing.
I have a few major derby things happening right now. this weekend is the Skate And Destroy boot camp! Saturday... boot camp, Sunday... Benchmark and my first Rookie game! yes, that's right!! MY FIRST GAME!!!! I'm beyond excited for this shit! I need a new mouth guard (again), a pair of knee high socks, shin guards, and blue shoelaces (to match my wheels because that's cool!) I'd love some sticker letters too so that I can have my name, "Serious Lee" on the back of my helmet! I don't want to be distracted by my mouth guard trying to benchmark or play in the game! this is the lineup for my game. See my name at the very bottom :) GO Team Red!
Bout 2
Team C (Red)
Eliz a deth Elizabeth Pullan
Shear Destruction 66 Joanne Bokitch Bow Valley Roller Derby
TheMon 32 Monica Evers-Harvey Bow Valley Roller Derby
Bitch Amen 1176 Nadine Jennipher Pearson Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ella Straytor, #2H Kristine Astop Chinook City Roller Derby League
Big Kahuna 2517 Sarah Hampton Chinook City Roller Derby League
Mad Madam Mim 5150 Jacqueline Boniface Chinook City Roller Derby League
Sweetie Darling 74 Amal Cohen CRDA
DeVotchka Thrash 33 Jessica de Groot East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Puma Thurman 8 Virginia White East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Lucy Lug Nuts #1/2 inch Jessie Haggard Gas City
Five Hole Cindy Randford-Steinwand Heartland Rollergirls Association
AubTMiss Prime #113 Aubrey Shpaiuk Lil Chicago Roller Derby
Serious Lee #33 Trina Rhine RDRDA
Team D (Black)
Tonya Lowe Bow Valley Roller Derby
Roe'd Kill Rachelle Honeyman Bow Valley Roller Derby
DING DONG AV-ON CALLING #24 Andrea Vaughan Bow Valley Roller Derby
Mayne Squeeze 1010 Sara Mayne Chinook City Roller Derby League
Judge JenAcide 25-2Life Jennifer Jeans Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ru$$ian Rollette #18 Sonia Stauch Chinook City Roller Derby League
Negative Nancy #138 Carla Fedje CRDA
Hart Knox ♥ Shelley Lawrence East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Ziggy Bonedust 255 Hope Landry East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Muffy Merkin #2-15 Judy-Lyn Sylvester Heartland Rollergirls Association
Backseat Roll'Her Krystal Baker Heartland Rollergirls Association
Low Key # 3.14 Keely Lucas OCDG
Linzifer Lindsay RDRDA
There it is!!!!! Yes, I'm that excited! I'm also excited to benchmark. This means that I can go to the Nightshades practices soon. I think I'll start going Monday's and Wednesdays (and maybe Thursdays... yes I'm crazy) Hopefully i can still go to Freshmeat.... Malady?
I'm really building my derby muscles. It's been a few practices now. I hurt less and less at practice, and I hurt less and less after practice. It's great. Physically aside from some non-muscle related problems, this is the best I have felt in a while. I am definitely gonna blame that on derby! Even lifting the chairs up onto the tables at work is getting so much easier. I feel like a much stronger person all around now... inside and out!
I'll spend the next week or so catching up, in more detail, on all the things i wanted to share!
I have a few major derby things happening right now. this weekend is the Skate And Destroy boot camp! Saturday... boot camp, Sunday... Benchmark and my first Rookie game! yes, that's right!! MY FIRST GAME!!!! I'm beyond excited for this shit! I need a new mouth guard (again), a pair of knee high socks, shin guards, and blue shoelaces (to match my wheels because that's cool!) I'd love some sticker letters too so that I can have my name, "Serious Lee" on the back of my helmet! I don't want to be distracted by my mouth guard trying to benchmark or play in the game! this is the lineup for my game. See my name at the very bottom :) GO Team Red!
Bout 2
Team C (Red)
Eliz a deth Elizabeth Pullan
Shear Destruction 66 Joanne Bokitch Bow Valley Roller Derby
TheMon 32 Monica Evers-Harvey Bow Valley Roller Derby
Bitch Amen 1176 Nadine Jennipher Pearson Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ella Straytor, #2H Kristine Astop Chinook City Roller Derby League
Big Kahuna 2517 Sarah Hampton Chinook City Roller Derby League
Mad Madam Mim 5150 Jacqueline Boniface Chinook City Roller Derby League
Sweetie Darling 74 Amal Cohen CRDA
DeVotchka Thrash 33 Jessica de Groot East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Puma Thurman 8 Virginia White East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Lucy Lug Nuts #1/2 inch Jessie Haggard Gas City
Five Hole Cindy Randford-Steinwand Heartland Rollergirls Association
AubTMiss Prime #113 Aubrey Shpaiuk Lil Chicago Roller Derby
Serious Lee #33 Trina Rhine RDRDA
Team D (Black)
Tonya Lowe Bow Valley Roller Derby
Roe'd Kill Rachelle Honeyman Bow Valley Roller Derby
DING DONG AV-ON CALLING #24 Andrea Vaughan Bow Valley Roller Derby
Mayne Squeeze 1010 Sara Mayne Chinook City Roller Derby League
Judge JenAcide 25-2Life Jennifer Jeans Chinook City Roller Derby League
Ru$$ian Rollette #18 Sonia Stauch Chinook City Roller Derby League
Negative Nancy #138 Carla Fedje CRDA
Hart Knox ♥ Shelley Lawrence East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Ziggy Bonedust 255 Hope Landry East Kootenay Roller Derby League
Muffy Merkin #2-15 Judy-Lyn Sylvester Heartland Rollergirls Association
Backseat Roll'Her Krystal Baker Heartland Rollergirls Association
Low Key # 3.14 Keely Lucas OCDG
Linzifer Lindsay RDRDA
There it is!!!!! Yes, I'm that excited! I'm also excited to benchmark. This means that I can go to the Nightshades practices soon. I think I'll start going Monday's and Wednesdays (and maybe Thursdays... yes I'm crazy) Hopefully i can still go to Freshmeat.... Malady?
I'm really building my derby muscles. It's been a few practices now. I hurt less and less at practice, and I hurt less and less after practice. It's great. Physically aside from some non-muscle related problems, this is the best I have felt in a while. I am definitely gonna blame that on derby! Even lifting the chairs up onto the tables at work is getting so much easier. I feel like a much stronger person all around now... inside and out!
I'll spend the next week or so catching up, in more detail, on all the things i wanted to share!
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